The key is 100% boycotting all services provided by a company. Wikipedia’s list of Amazon product/services as reference (
Incidentally, I know entire neighborhoods that don’t have other grocery stores besides Target/Whole Foods, not to mention that AWS is the cloud computing industry standard… As a personal example, my vet-prescribed cat foods are manufactured by Purina, a subsidary of Nestlé (needless to say, a separate but also extremely evil large corporation)
Even if all end users boycott Amazon, they’ll still make billions from AWS.
Being poor and living on the edge paycheck to paycheck taught me that there are a whole lot of things you can live without that you didn’t think you could.
You can literally cut all subscriptions out of your life and eat nothing but groceries you buy cheap at a food co-op and you’d be surprised how ok you are.
There’s a LOT of fat you can cut out of your life. And it makes things simpler and simple is peaceful.
The most plausible way is a short-term boycott for like 2 weeks at the end of their fiscal reporting period. You want the rebound not to be reflected in the quarterly report so it fucks with the share prices.
Its only vialble if there’s a organized critical mass of people doing it.
I’ve spent years now trying not to consume products from companies I consider immoral. There are a lot of them and, realistically, you won’t make a big dent or bring the company down. The average person is, by definition, average, so a boycott based on people doing the good thing at the expense of some personal discomfort will always fail.
But that doesn’t mean it’s pointless. Companies like Amazon are almost impossible to compete with because of their size. The most important impact you can have as a consumer is not that the lack of your personal revenue is going to keep the likes of Jeff Bezos up at night. It’s that you’re providing revenue and a user base to alternative businesses that are struggling to exist in a world where most people just use Amazon.
You can make a real difference this way! Focus on growing competitors rather than hoping the bad company will go away because of your abstention. Kind of like using Lemmy instead of Reddit.
It’s not. Not spending money is not a very effective direct action. Like companies can’t just borrow money or be bailed out until people get tired.
100% is unattainable, but tbh even 10% would hurt them
0% chance
A direct boycott of Amazon and its subsidiaries? Super easy,barely an inconvenience.
But boycotting services that happen to uses Amazon? Impossible!
Any business may use products ordered from there. Your local toll gate may use AWS. Unless you are a major client nobody is going to let you audit their supply contracts.
Yeah, AWS is ginormous and largely invisible. You can usually figure out when something’s in AWS if you can traceroute it, and sometimes by IP, but that requires knowing the IP of the server in question AND having the know-how to use and understand those tools’ output.
Amazon doesn’t make anything. There’s very little on Amazon that can’t be purchased somewhere else.
I cancelled my account. It was easy and I don’t miss it. I had that account since 2009. I shop local or not at all (mostly). It feels good to just save money.
I’ve ordered from Amazon once. That’s the only occasion I’ve ever used any of their services. I’m not intentionally avoiding them, I simply don’t have the need for any of it. I’ve always just used ebay and Aliexpress instead.
Be careful about ebay, a lot of sellers just drop ship from Amazon
A lot of the time, asking local businesses what they can do/order for you helps a lot. Just because they don’t have it doesn’t mean they can’t get it. Some local grocers offer delivery services. If you have the time, seed money and patience, you can grow a lot of food in a small amount of space.
My cat has a special diet, too. I asked if I could use pet food from an independent brand - since it was a food allergy, just a matter of excluding chicken and grain - and the vet said it was fine.
AWS is harder to avoid, but if you have to use a service, there are other companies who will put the effort in to take part of the pie from amazon.
I have a hard time believing Purina makes some kind of special pet food that nobody else makes. Ask your vet about alternatives.
My cats need prescription food and I buy Royal Canin.
I completely boycott Amazon, Google, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Nestle, the list goes on. It takes a tiny bit of effort. Most people aren’t willing to do even that.
They don’t. Let’s just say that I chose the closest vet to where I live for convenience & I just needed someone to issue them travel certificates in a few months, but they are themselves a VC-owned nightmare… I’m moving out of the US in a few months and will likely change their diets anyways. I’m trying to find better alternatives as well
Uhmmm, I haven’t used Amazon for anything in at least four years, pretty sure it’s really easy
Have you confirmed that no website you provide ad revenue or membership fees to used AWS? If you haven’t checked, then you probably have supported Amazon. Amazon makes most of their money through AWS.
Regardless, good on you for not buying from Amazon directly. I too haven’t purchased from them for years