It’s a curious thing. I’m not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn’t want you to know when it’s hidden for a reason.
It’s a curious thing. I’m not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn’t want you to know when it’s hidden for a reason.
MK Ultra
For every real one that is eventually discovered, there’s 10,000 flying around in real time that are total bunk.
Whether the 10,000 bunk ones are deliberately put out as decoys to hide the 1 real one, I will leave that up to the reader.
All I’m saying is the first attempt on MLK’s life came from a schizophrenic black woman during the height of MKUltra’s operations while she babbled about things the CIA hates and their favorite test subjects were disenfranchised schizophrenics.
This is the important difference between conspiracies and conspiracy theories. Once there’s actual evidence, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
For example, the fact MK Ultra was real does not prove the fact we are ruled by lizards.
Evidence existing is a very low bar, It’s when it’s proved beyond reasonable doubt that it stops being a theory.
“I prefer to think of it as more of a conspiracy hypothesis, really”