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Technically correct
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Gulf of water
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Humanity is a joke.
So many important issues affecting America right now … and the country and its government is fixated and pouring so much energy, manpower, knowledge, education, experience and capability into … renaming something on a map that no really gives a shit about.
You misunderstand, that’s exactly the point. Giving you something to talk about, while rights are eroded elsewhere.
European golf players now name this gulf: The Gulf Of Trumps Lost Golf Balls
Cowards and sycophants. But this is a problem I, as a Chicagoan, am already familiar with. You see we have this building called the Willis Tower. But everyone here knows that Willis is correctly spelled “Sears.”
So you see, the correct spelling of the America in the context of the Gulf is “Mexico.”
And what about taking a nice drive down Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable Lake Shore Drive?
Huh, I didn’t know the Sears Tower was renamed to Willis. Though the Sears Tower never comes up in conversations for me, I’ll surely only ever know it as Sears. So yeah, that’s a great point you make
Same problem in toronto… We have a building called the SkyDome, but everyone misspells it Robbers Center…
Wait… so… this was not a joke? They’re serious?
I propose eveyone rename it to “Gulf of low egg prices”
Keep reporting it as a bug.
They never fix bugs in maps. Some places IRL even got renamed, because it was easier than fixing the name in google maps.
Do you have any examples? It’s impossible to find with a search with the recent news.
There’s little point in doing so, other than the feel-good moment. Google, and all other mapping companies, ultimately take their data from official sources. This differs per country, so users of maps from outside of the US will continue to see Gulf of Mexico, but complaining that it is wrong will only be ignored because they’re following the data from the official US government source.
What the hell. No one’s going to call it the Gulf of America, except for the magas, the rapist and his useless offspring.
This is 4 years of drivel and it’ll always be knows as the Gulf of Mexico.
The man in charge is the biggest moron to ever be given power to lead.
Electing a rapist seems like a very American thing to do, who also married an immigrant, which is very odd since he’s doing his best to stop immigration.
Something something racist rapist hypocrite.
Only hot and or under aged immigrants are acceptable. Specially if they have big natural boobs because that means new Americans with big natural boobs. I think penis-wise probably they might consider 8" and longer but must be very girthy. What do I know, I’m not a rapist politician. I could be totally wrong.
So why didn’t they change Crimea to be part of Russia, if that’s always been the longstanding policy, Google?
(Note; I’m not suggesting it is a part of Russia; just pointing out the hypocrisy of Google since Trump claiming ownership of the Gulf of Mexico is the same thing as Russia claiming ownership of Crimea.)
It’s not the same. Google is a US company.
It makes sense that it would use the GNIS, a system of the USGS, to put names on places.
It hasn’t changed here yet, but I figure when it does, Google will reflect the change.
They did (in Russia). There’s no hypocrisy here. Just blanket compliance with local authority.
The maps look different when viewed in different regions, this becomes apparent whenever there’s contested territory, like crimea, the China sea, Gaza. We only see the maps that our local government approves.
They can name it how they want. They could name it piss puddle and the rest of the world wouldn’t care, it’ll still be Gulf of Mexico.
That’s an interesting theory, we may just test that out.
But I suspect that ten years from now, it’s name will be whatever it’s been saying on the maps. Just ask New Yorkers (sorry, I mean new Amsterdamers).
New Amsterdam is different, that was hundreds of years ago before there were millions of printed maps and it’s another thing to rename own landmarks after a conquest or something which isn’t within your country.
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to switch to OpenStreetMaps for a while now and this was the impetus to drop what I was doing and download it immediately. Fuck Google. So sick of this mask off tech plutocracy bullshit.
The gulf of mexico vs gulf of america thread on the Open Street Map forum is interesting and worth a read.
The discussion seems to be focused around possibly waiting for one or more governing bodies to rule on the name change, or just going along with it and adding an alternate text for people who would prefer the old one, which I think is way more democratic than anything Trump had in mind when signing this XO.
I certainly prefer this over the blind deference that Google seems to have for an executive order that is functionally just direction to the state department and not legally binding in any way whatsoever.
Well the openstreetmap community aren’t employed by a bunch of hacks perching on a tower of cardboard held together by a failing scheme of duck tape that nobody left after all the layoffs and enshittification knows how to repair, so that makes sense : )
Like a little bitches they are…
Does anyone know if Waze will warn you if there is an accident ahead and will redirect you?
It’ll warn you but not redirect you.
Google owns Waze
Ahh boo that’s right
But to answer your question, absolutely. In fact, Waze’s reporting is why Google bought it and added those features to Google Maps.
Time to ditch Maps then.
Open Street Maps needs more contributors!
Been playing the StreetComplete game, which is very much Pokemon Go but helping OSM data.
Whoa, I did not know that existed. Time to give OSM some loving back.
Hey great idea, is there an open street maps app?
I found the StreetComplete one here
Awesome! That’ll give me something to do on my runs.
OSM unfortunately doesn’t seem public transit friendly at all. I did a quick glance over some of the documentation and it mentioned:
Whilst OpenStreetMap is probably not the place for full timetable information, adding information about public transport infrastructure and services to the map means that we can provide basic routing services.
Timetables are a must if you realistically want to use it for public transit. Currently it just tells me to walk to my destination for an hour and a half if I select public transportation. This is the main thing keeping me from using OSM.
Well, the ball is in the court of the public transport agencies, then! While OpenStreetMap cannot be expected to accept any and all kind of geographic data imaginable, OSM is meant to serve map data that can supplement other data sources and services.
I’m in Finland, and there’s at least a couple of Web services that do long distance bus/rail/plane route planning, all using OSM. Our municipal bus schedule service, mobile app and the bus stop displays have been using OSM for over a decade.