Probably wasn’t an accident. The Police Unions have been pissed at Trump letting these guys go, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear they had their own “Second Amendment Solution”
If it were just another black dude who got shot “because he had a gun”, I’d doubt the word of the police about that. But this guy? I’m almost certain he had a gun and made some move that would have raised reasonable suspicion that he was intending to use it. Because those are the sorts of people who when to Jan 6.
Eh from what I hear the Police Union has been up Trump’s ass about the people he’s been pardoning.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear they’ve been internally calling these guys “Cop Killers” and being instructed to give them the “Fine Ol’ Solution” if ya know what I mean. Police Union is crooked as hell.
Leaving a comment here to look back when there is body cam footage and/or more details.
The fact that this person participated in an insurrection does not excuse a killing by police or give me joy in the outcome.
I just see it as the trash taking itself out.
It’s a tragedy when police abuse their power to kill, but at least he took out a shameless MAGA terrorist instead of it being a “Code 1488”, that’s Police Jargon for “Having to use deadly force on another black man minding his own business.”
SomeALL of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses!
Wow. I literally don’t care at all. It’s sad but it’s true.
Hahaha, oopsie poopsie
One down.
Oh noes!!
Guess his fat orange lord and savior couldn’t be bothered
its just the spiderman meme except they have guns
Wait, you mean those Jan 6ers aren’t upstanding citizens? What a surprise…
Terrorist killed by police.
Terrorist killed by terrorists
Not like you have to be a criminal to get shot by the police in the US…
It doesn’t help though.
Just have Trump pardon the bullet out of him.
Good. One less piece of trash in the country
One less piece of fewer in the country.
I’ll cry in a while(1), thanks for reporting this.
(1) or not… but not because of this.
Here’s to every single one of them meeting a similar end very, very soon.
I guess this is the kind of shit that happens when you ask the Monkey’s Paw to be pardoned on your last wish…