Anyone want to take bets on how long until right wing influencers start talking about how Red No 3 cures COVID/cancer/brainworms and how the government is trying to take it away because of how good it is, while posting a video of themselves chugging gallons of it on TikTok to own the libs?
Anyone want to take bets on how long until right wing influencers start talking about how Red No 3 cures COVID/cancer/brainworms and how the government is trying to take it away because of how good it is, while posting a video of themselves chugging gallons of it on TikTok to own the libs?
“Red is our color! white erasure!!!” /$
People have been making jokes about “Red #3 maxing” for months.
The government should make it illegal to drink bleach.
Longer than it took for someone to jump in here and make an off topic politically based comment.
Well, you have to make the bets before the thing happens, so….
Hi, I’d like to place a bet on last year’s Superbowl. I’ve got a good feeling.