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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • The post mentioned a wireless mesh network, so it sounds like the ISP/provider already has a bunch of wireless access points set up to cover the whole building. One of the problems with high-density living spaces is that there are only a limited number of communication channels WiFi can use, so if everyone living there also runs their own wireless networks they use up all the available channels and have to cross-talk over eachother, leading to everything slowing down.

  • Are there ways to lower the number of school shootings? Yes, and you’ve already made some great points.

    However, are there ways to prevent school shootings from ever happening again? Well, the answer is unfortunately no. Guns exist and even the strictest laws and bans could never change that. School shootings still sometimes happen in countries with far stricter laws too.

    It’s one of the logical traps conservatives love to use though: They lean on the fact that it is impossible to completely fix a problem and thus also dismiss any attempts to improve things even slightly because they still see any imperfect solution as a failure.

  • There are still a lot of workers needed in agriculture, but increasingly they are either undocumented migrants or on restrictive visas (like temporary foreign workers in Canada) that limit their bargaining power and let their employers exploit them with poor working conditions and rock bottom wages. This means that these workers often don’t have the means or income to participate much in the local economy beyond the bare essentials. This is actually a case of “trickle down economics” where paying workers fair, living wages would lead to healthier local economies where these workers could spend those wages and support having or starting a family.