I’m a business analyst, and a big part of my job involves working with engineers and product managers to gather detailed, in-depth information. For reasons I don’t fully understand (though I have my theories), I often find that engineers, in particular, seem oddly reluctant to share the information I need. This makes the process more challenging than I’d like. Does anyone have tips or tricks for building trust with engineers to encourage them to share information more willingly and quickly?
EDIT: Here’s a summary with more details for those who requested more info: I’m working on optimizing processes related to our in-house file ingestion system, which we’ve been piecing together over time to handle tasks it wasn’t originally designed for. The system works well enough now, but it’s still very much a MacGyver setup—duct tape and dental floss holding things together. We got through crunch time with it, but now the goal is to refine and smooth everything out into a process that’s efficient, clear, and easy for everyone to follow.
Part of this involves getting all the disparate systems and communication silos talking to each other in a unified way—JIRA is going to be the hub for that. My job is to make sure that the entire pipeline—from ticket creation, to file ingestion, to processing and output—is documented thoroughly (but not pedantically) and that all teams involved understand what’s required of them and why.
Where I’m running into challenges is in gathering the nitty-gritty technical details from engineers. I need to understand how their processes work today, how they’ve solved past issues, and what they think would make things better in an ideal world. But I think there’s some hesitation because they’re worried about “incriminating” themselves or having mistakes come back to haunt them.
I’ve tried to make it clear that I’m not interested in punishing anyone for past decisions or mistakes—on the contrary, I want to learn from them to create a better process moving forward. My goal is to collaborate and make their jobs easier, not harder, but I think building trust and comfort will take more time.
If anyone has strategies for improving communication with engineers—especially around getting them to open up about technical details without fear—I am all ears.
I’m not an engineer, but I work in IT and work with engineers, analysts, and management. I have no idea what your knowledge or background is, but the engineers may be reluctant to get too technical in fear of talking over your head. I would make clear to them that you need specific, technical details and not to worry about to much jargon. If they’re reluctant for other reasons, it may be an issue for your management to address.
This is definitely part of it, and I am starting to make headway assuring at least this first team, that I am very eager for the nitty gritty technical details. This stuff all makes sense to me conceptually, I just never wanted to learn to code (and I am actively rethinking that decision), so there’s very little of it I will not be able to grasp.
Talk less, listen more.
They’re probably (no offense) nerds, so let them nerd out and listen to them.
Then actually act on what they say, and soon they’re be telling you more shit than you want to know.
My husband is an engineer. Screaming, “what the fuck are talking about?” is probably not the way.
Have you asked them why they are reluctant to turn over the deets?
I’ve certainly withheld info because explaining DMARC is a lot more time consuming then just saying it’s a special type of spam filter.
Actually, no. Not in so many words. It seems so simple. My theory was that they are afraid of admitting mistakes because they think I’m going to “report” them or something, and make them look bad. And I have opened at least 3 times with how I am not remotely interested in anything like that, and I am looking to document process, and get their ideas for what an ideal process would look like for them. I feel like they don’t believe me.
Again, verbal assurances mean nothing, especially if they know the issue has internal political implications as this one obviously does. And even if they believe you, that doesn’t mean they trust your boss, so anything they say could still burn them later. Words alone can’t resolve this dilemma.
Also, has anyone tried what you’re trying before? If so, maybe you’re struggling because of past failure, not your fault but still your problem now.
This is an area my company has historically sucked at. Hard. I aim to fix that, and in fact that is the reason my team was created.
This post is a little too vague to give real advice. You don’t tell us what industry you’re in. You don’t tell us if the engineers are the end users of the software or processes you’re working on, or if they will implement the software or processes you’re working on.
If they’re the end users, they might be concerned that the changes you’re designing are going to make their jobs harder. A lot of changes in the past couple decades aimed at “efficiency” have involved making people take on more work for no additional pay, then firing the administrative staff or other engineers who used to do that work. Even if that isn’t the sort of project you’re working on they are reasonably wary based on past experience. Or maybe it’s not clear to you how this will make their life harder but management will find a way.
If the engineers are writing the software that you are helping design, how are you helping to make their jobs easier and more fulfilling? It’s an unfortunate fact that software engineers are sometimes treated like misbehaving vending machines that will produce software if you force them to. If they are writing the code, there’s a very good chance that they know more about this process than anyone else in the room, but are they treated like they know more than anyone else in the room? Is their expertise valued or are they treated like roadblocks when they give their expert opinions?
Was trying to compose a similar statement on that lack of details. Like, my background is scum/ agile software development and if a random BA called me up out of the blue for project details, my first response is going to be “I’m busy, talk to my scrum master and/or manager” and failing that it’s likely going to be the minimum amount of information required to get said BA to leave me alone so that I can get back to work. Plus, unless I know that my audience has the technical capacity for low level details, I tend to leave them out (I don’t mind answering questions, but I also don’t have time in my life to spout information that’s going to go in one ear and out the other).
This is extremely insightful. Thank you. To keep it somewhat vague, I am trying to optimize processes surrounding file ingestion. And I am trying to eliminate all the roadblocks caused by siloing of information. We have an in house file ingestion “engine” if you will, and we have really been rebuilding it from the ground up because its original function was not what we are using it for. So there are problems. To date, we have be MacGyvering the fuck out of everything with a pen knife and some dental floss, but we got through crunch time, and now we need it to be smooth, and by the numbers. Easy and clear for everyone.
Well that might explain some things.
Not to throw shade at your company but that process is so backwards that it’s no wonder the engineers are sparse on the details. I saw another comment likening software development to a crossword puzzle, which is a pretty good analogy. To further it, changing software once it’s done is like trying to swap out a clue/ word once the rest of the puzzle is built. It’s theoretically possible, but depending on how the puzzle is designed, it can range from an absurd amount of work to nearly impossible. Given the way you’ve described the state of things, your engineers are probably low on goodwill to boot.
I’ve worked on cobbled-together crunch-time hell-projects and the last thing I’d want after getting free would be a random BA coming to me about details that more than likely packed with the project PTSD and would very much like to forget. Doubly so if it’s issues that I bought up early in the design/ development process (when they would have been comparatively easy to fix) and was dismissed by the powers that be. I can only speak for myself, but I can only take so much “that’s not a priority”, “we don’t have time for that”/ “we’ll see if that becomes a problem in the future and deal with it then” before I throw in the towel, stop keeping track of everything that’s wrong, and just bin the entire project as dumper fire run by people who would rather check boxes than make things better.
Accept “I have no idea” as an answer, and don’t use it as an opportunity to push things in the direction you want.
learn to account for people being wrong, and don’t punish them for it.Engineers want to be accurate. They don’t want to give answers that they’re unsure about or just speculating.
Early in their careers they’re often willing to, but that gets beaten out of them pretty quickly by people with deadlines. Expressing uncertainty often means the person interprets the answer in the direction they want, and then holds the engineer to that answer.
“It could be anywhere from 2-8 months I think, but we won’t know until we’re further into the design phase” is taken as 2 months, planned around, and then crunch Time starts when it starts to go over. Or revising an estimate once new information or changing requirements are revealed is treated as incompetence, even though more work taking more time is expected.It’s in the self interest of the engineer to be cagey. “I don’t like to give estimates this early” is much harder to turn into a solid commitment than an earnest best estimate given the current known state of the project.
Similar for resources required or processes. Anything you don’t say is unlikely to be held against you.
This is brilliant. I often suspected they did not want to “incriminate” themselves, and I have tried assuring them that that is in no way what I am about. I am looking to optimize processes, and I am very eager for their ideas on what would work better than what we’ve been doing.
Verbal assurances mean little to many. At least put it in an email. Otherwise CYA dominates.
And remember the docco kicks around forever. Indemnification until retirement is impossible to ensure.
And, as our RedHat TAM rediscovers, we can bring that shit out of the archive to prove a point … or to heckle about overblown systemd promises, but that’s PTSD for another venue.
My experience is you get the best response if they understand why you need the information and at what level of detail. They seem to respond well to clarity, organization and logic (who doesn’t!), so prepare your communications to include the background they need (how does your request help them in the long run), what it is you need from them (and in what format), and when you need it by. Trust is built by demonstrating your value to them. Think about ways you can help them get the info to you (start the work for them, book time on their calendars to focus on the request, sit with them and help them produce the info).
Side note: engineers sometimes offer information that is not executive ready - you will either need to translate or tell the engineer who the audience is for the information.
You have perfectly put into words what I have been attempting, and not really succeeding at. I should present my needs in a clear and logical, documented manner. Brilliant!
I can’t tell if you are being facetious, but if not feel free to message me for more specific ideas.
Yeah, text communications are constantly problematic for these reasons. I was being 100% serious.
it occurred to me, if you have the ability to communicate with the engineers in person or on a video call, you could (maybe) avoid the pitfalls of text only. Anywho, don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like more detailed support. 😃
please give an example interaction that was difficult?
The deeper I get into a subject involving engineering, the less I can relate what I know effectively. If I’ve done the thing many times, I can talk about it more freely.
It boils down to, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” The only thing I can do is explain the long path of stuff I’ve figured out in order to get where I am at in my understanding. I don’t have a clear overview scope. I’m aware I have likely made mistakes even within what I know.
If you are asking me for official statements that can come back to me, I’m going to be extremely cautious in what I tell you and only speak about things I am absolutely sure of and have triple checked. Most of what I’m sure of is going to be unhelpful surface level information. Professionally, telling you anything that could be wrong is career suicide. Reputation is the currency of an engineering career.
This is exactly the vibe I have been getting. And I have really been trying to reassure them that I am in no way looking to “punish” anyone for any mistakes. If anything, I want to hear about mistakes, and any solutions that were thought up, as a guide to how we can improve the process going forward, to make their jobs easier, as well as everyone’s. It’s all super positive, and none of this will ever “come back to bite them.” But without finding out their challenges, it makes it very difficult to try an anticipate what issues we may run into as we build these processes, and further on down the line.
Try to also explain how you currently understand the systems and processes, and ask them to correct what believe need to be corrected, or why not ask them who else might know better
The engineers have their own tasks and deadlines to deal with, why are you talking to them directly to get the information you want? You need to talk to their project manager to either give you access to the database in question, write a tool that generates the report you need or write a one time query to get this information. All of these things take time and need to be planned and resourced. I hope you’re not just walking up to people and asking for random lists of customers that ordered more than once in the last year or whatever?
This is not at all what is happening here, but your sentiments are certainly valid. This is about process creation and improvement.
You should probably add some specifics, because your original post is super vague.
As an engineer with almost thirty years of experience, I don’t want to be on the hook for telling someone the wrong thing. Also, if you want an estimate there are lots of engineers who won’t want to give an estimate of 2 months when you’re expecting 2 days. Then we have to explain that the entire app is a fucking unmaintainable shit show because we’ve been doing two months worth of work in two days by cutting corners and writing shit code and we know it.
Also they could just be shy introverts. But it’s probably a reluctance to commit themselves.
I say all this like a universal truth, but just by reading all the responses here you can tell it varies from person to person. You have to assess your team and figure out each individual. My experience is it’s a trust/comfort thing, but that may not be your case.
I think a lot of it is trust/comfort, and I am definitely making progress in that regard, and the advice here has been fantastic. Which I suspected it would be. My strategy is that we need to work together to solve issues, like if they were to “tell me the wrong thing.” It could certainly gum up the works if I am basing a part of a new process on bad info, but honestly I have no desire to gotcha anyone, and I think that would be completely unproductive at this stage of the game. They have this file ingestion “engine” running pretty darn well, and now we need to tweak, and improve, and gameplan for the upcoming year.
I’m a software developer, and I sometimes if I’m asked how something works, I can find it difficult to explain things in a way that would make sense to the listener, whether they are a PM or the client.
Other times, depending on the question, I simply don’t know the answer, and it could take hours for me to gain enough understanding of the project to even respond intelligently.
I’m a developer too and sometimes I say “I don’t know” knowing full well the shitstorm it’ll bring. I’m a few years in and I just don’t give a fuck if that pisses off the person on the other end.
I just don’t have time for games — a few times I tried to give a better answer but didn’t have all the information I needed and every time it came back to bite me in the ass.
I love being a developer with all my heart, I don’t come into the office and I love my job. But I won’t play politics, kiss ass or put lipstick on a pig. Why would I? In my experience doing so is a lot worse than admitting I don’t know something; if someone wants to throw a tantrum that’s fine but they can do it on their time. If we could just get off this time suck call I can find the information I need pretty quick and get you an answer ASAP.
Oh man, there’s been a few times over my career where they asked me what seemed like an easy enough question to them, but it’s in some terrible legacy code that were never given any time to fix, that fixing itself would be a huge ordeal and I respond with something like, it’ll take a day or two to get a confident answer to that.
They usually say no thanks after that, but they have sent me down that rabbit hole before.
Reminds me of my previous job that I stupidly took on because they wanted to go from the developer’s custom fork of Rails 3.8 up to Rails 6 (just released at the time).
The entire thing was spaghetti code and it was so out of date that I couldn’t really do incremental versions updates due to libraries just straight up missing or being unmaintained.
My other mistake was thinking that because I had years of Rails experience I could take this on. As expected bugs occurred and everyone pointed their finger at me. I could barely make out what was going on and wasn’t familiar with unit specs at the time (ouch) so it was a poor experience on my end.
(My favorite was them doing currency conversions but storing the results as floats in the database. During a monthly scheduled job thousands of transactions were 1¢ off due to poor rounding. I felt ashamed because before working there I always knew to never do this, but apparently I didn’t do an adequate job of confirming how it worked in this app.)
thousands of transactions were 1¢ off due to poor rounding
Maybe the code was so poorly done on purpose so that developer could steal those pennies. You took his place, and now he’s off in the tropics living the dream!
As an engineer, I hate having to repeat the same thing again and again so take notes and make sure you understand them.
Secondly know the product or project intimately relative to your level. For example if I work on the project and I know it from the code and infrastructure and everything else in addition to how it works for the end user then the least I expect is that the person asking the questions has used the software with a demo account on UAT or something so that my answers will not to over their heads. Knowing the product will also allow you to talk to clients better and you will know what it can and can’t do.
I’m ok with someone if I see they are willing to make the effort regardless of their level, if someone is coming to me to do their work for them , then I lose my patience fast and will very soon be less helpful and prioritize my actual work over their bs.
Finally as I said we are often overworked and not looking to have more things to do. We are the ones that have to stay late to fix someone’s mess or get called to patch an emergency zero day in some software used by the company on a weekend. In addition we support everyone else as without us there is no product and no jobs for the rest of you. We are at the bottom of the pyramid holding the rest up with the CEO being the prick at the top.
Finally dont just engage when you need something, get to know them and see if you can help them with something. Maybe a heads up about a project or client to avoid or some thing.
It is good that you want to bridge the gap and I wish more in your position would do so.
After reading your replies, I am on edge.
Please consider the following questions.
What is the power dynamic?
Are there good reasons to stonewall you?What happened to the first few teams you worked with? Did the engineers involved advance in their careers? Do they talk with you still? What about their prior interactions with your team and department? Do those engineers still work at the company?
If you are confident you are there to help then just speaking to them like people. Don’t bullshit them. Push them up in their careers when you can. Get them what resources you can. Support them in their goals. Do a good job and you won’t get them to shut up.
This is a very long story, from my previous role, but both of those engineers have been promoted, and we are good friends.
You’ve probably tried this, but did those engineers have any insight as to how you can communicate with other engineers? Were things easy with them from the start or did you need to “prove yourself”?
This had not even occurred to me. Now On my to do list for Monday.
I was going to say, if you’re good friends how do they not have advice for you?
Yeah, I hadn’t even mentioned it to them. Also they are in Bosnia, and almost all of us work remote, so it’s not like I get to see them around the office. They are not in any of the engineering teams I oversee, and I’m relatively new to this role. I’m very excited to get their take on this though; it’s a great idea.
They are probably unsure of your motives; are you analysing the business or analysing them? Software problems are extremely hard to estimate unless there is almost complete disclosure and discovery. It’s like asking people how long a crossword is going to take without seeing the clues. Or asking how long they’re going to spend on a chess move in 3 turns time. They are possibly cagey because you are asking questions they betray the fact you are seeing this as a management problem rather than listening to what they’re telling you about their craft.
Or possibly your manner of communicating is attuned to more socially intuitive people. Try presenting what you need as a problem for them to solve with a clear start and end. That way you’re collaborating, and they know when their obligation to interact with you is “done”.
Instead of open questions like “can you tell me how X is currently working?” try specific problem setting questions like “I’d like to see if we can make X process be 10% faster, what would that look like?” or “what would you say are the top two things that affect the time process Y takes?”
They may not want to offend you, because many of the answers might be “obvious” and, also, if they’re honest workers, as many are, there may not be any clear way to improve certain things as they’re already trying their hardest, and your investigation feels more like an inquisition.
Again, it may be that you’re asking someone “how can I get you to get this crossword done faster?”. It’s sort of the wrong question. Unless you’re willing to listen to their bugbears which might be the actual things affecting how efficiently things run but might not be the kind of answers project management want to hear.
I’m at the stage of “I want to know how your process has worked up until now, and how you would like it to work, in a perfect world.” Which did seem to garner a positive response.
To add onto this, sometimes it’s about getting more specific with your questions to get the more specific answers.
For context of how I would suggest structuring these detail questions, here’s how I think about code I write or debug: The functions and classes my code is made of are meant to get specific inputs to become specific outputs via a defined process; I think of this as inputs->how->outputs. Figuring out what inputs you need to execute the “how” part to get the outputs you want is the puzzle of each function or class I write. The “how” part can even be broken down further into smaller chunks of inputs->how->outputs.
I think asking your engineer friends to frame things in this context would both show your appreciation for the nitty-gritty details you are needing, as well as give you further context to ask more detailed drill-down questions (about deeper levels of inputs->how-> outputs) if needed. For example: “you said to get inputs A and B to result in output C, we need to run the fizzbuzz algorithm on A and B. What roles do those inputs have in that algo? Do we have to do any preprocessing on A or B before we fizzbuzz them, or any post processing of the fizzbuzz’s direct output to get C?” “Oh, yeah, we have a wrapper that takes A and makes it column-major so that fizzbuzz executes faster, but we need output C to be row-major for when it goes into otherFunction(), so we do such-and-such to fizzbuzz’s output to get the C we output.” This gets you a level of detail deeper, and you could ask further questions about the transformations happening to A and the post-processing of fizzbuzz output to get C, as well as get more context for otherFunction to ask more about later.
You could also use this context to ask further questions about what they think the future implementation should look like. “Are there any assumptions we can make about A and B or how C is used that could simplify how we go from the former to the latter? Are there any requirements on the inputs and outputs that would better be either relaxed or made more stringent, and if so, in what way?”
I hope that helps! Best wishes for your work on this project–streamlining processes is hard, especially when working with other people’s code, but your appreciation for the details to get things implemented well is admirable!
This is gold. Are you looking for a job?
I’m glad you found it helpful! And no, I love my current job, but I appreciate the sentiment!