Jesus was a boob man. boobs are bearer of nourishment and a symbol of motherhood.
The ass is from the devil.
Someone should ask Biff.,_Christ's_Childhood_Pal
(It is such a good and very funny book.)
It’s always a weird question to me. Every time I see boobs, there is an ass attached to the same person. Both is the way
What is this question😭
Breasts, there’s a lot of art made of Christ being breastfed.
Obviously a feet man. Further evidence that Tarantino is Jesus.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Was there not a passage about how he washed feet or something?
I’m pretyy sure Paul had the celibacy fetish and introduced the sex=bad element to the dogma. Some scholars even suggest that was his thing since the other gods were sex positive. (At least toward men getting laid.)
Post biblcal Christianity was informed, in part, by Hellenic philosophical traditions, which were apollonian in nature. Women’s sexuality was on the dionysian side.
This is aphobic. Asexuals are human too.
Well, Christ came riding upon an ass, so I think this is an easy question to answer
He was homosexual based on all his male buddies he liked to have dinner with. So, definitely an ass lover.
jesus is an ass man. seen stickers making this statement.
Considering this is the middle ear were talking about, he’s be an ankle/feet man
That’s why he always wanted to wash them
It’s a tough question, to be sure. I mean, we can look through the book for hints about it here and there, but I think the best way is to look at the followers who are closest to him. That said… Pedophile. Jesus was definitely a pedophile.
I’m not criticizing your conclusion, I just want to know how you got there xD
Priests fucking altar boys
Yeah, people suck.