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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So there are tribes with both dynamics, maybe more one than the other?. We can also look at things like, say, competitive records between “sexes” (it’s a spectrum, so the binary divide is weird to begin with, but I digress). Men run on average like 30 seconds faster on the mile than women in societies with clear disadvantages to women’s training.

    Is this actually significant enough to exclude women? I fail to see how it could be for a role that requires a multitude of skills.

    Society’s seem to have stratified based on sex to “protect” women, and maybe a lot of women even prefer it. The issue is when we use some societal preferences to override the individual and prescribe roles before the individual can even develop their own preference (men and enbies included).

    What I’m seeing are some societies seem to have figured that out well enough, others are more oppressive.

  • I would appreciate if sources were provided rather than sending me on a wild goose chase or being told essentially “trust me bro”

    Do you not also think there’s an issue when we start saying “you can find a couple”? If even one doesn’t have a source but it’s being pushed as fact, I will start thinking the claim maker unreliable.

    I really mean no offense, I’ve been trying to search and can’t find anything. I’ve asked chatgpt, Google, YouTube. I am trying to give benefit of the doubt.

  • It depends for me. The labels aren’t really useful if I don’t know the person. One kid I interacted with over a few months said enough in line with fascism that I call him that. Someone just telling me they’re communist, anarchist, liberal isn’t enough to really get their actual beliefs, given how much overlap and misuse of the terms there is. I will generally vibe with a more left leaning person, of course, so if any of those labels are used I’m like, cool, we’ll probably have good conversations. Even conservatives I’m opening up to. Republicans? My God. I blame my mental illnesses on that brain rot.

  • Speaking as someone who’s Christian fundamentalist parents did not ensure a proper education about this, whose community enforced it, it takes time to figure out, even with the Internet. I was sexually active years before I ever orgasmed, and even after that, the shame for enjoying sex at all was still engrained. I was aware of my anatomy, but with limited, supervised access to the Internet until 18, it set me up to be metaphorically fucked in my ability to communicate about it. But hey, I’m in my 30s and survived.

  • Oh gotcha, I totally agree it’s not a big part at all! Honestly, I didn’t experience an orgasm until well after I became sexually active, and very rarely with a partner since. It’s extremely important to me as I’m back “on the market” now and have really struggled in past relationships with it. I enjoy the whole aspect to it, exploring whole bodies, but I would very much like to find a relationship where my partner prioritizes helping me climax and has some patience with me on it.

    By chance, did you talk with your gyno about vaginismus? Not sure if I’m spelling that right, but I’ve had a few friends mention that it’s painful, one friend saying she couldn’t wear tampons or anything. I could see why orgasming first would help the muscles to relax

  • My understanding is 80% of people with a uterus don’t climax from penetration, not that we find it necessarily unenjoyable (which is true for me, too; I do need clitoral stimulation to climax). I’ve taken courses on women’s studies, feminist philosophy, etc. to overcome the problematic religious attitudes my parents had, too - and lots of therapy! I’ll see if my library has that book available, though. I’m always interested in learning more.

    I’m really sorry you had that experience growing up, though, that’s awful. As normal as our experiences felt to us having privacy invaded and all the shame, that much shouldn’t be normalized! I’m glad you’ve found what works for you, and I wish you all the most pleasurable experiences around it throughout the rest of your life 💝

  • Well, not that I think it has to be your experience by any means, that’s part of the beauty of life - we’re all a bit different and into different things. I do quite enjoy penetration without need for lube (I mean, I do need to have natural lube, obviously). I usually get myself there with just hands and might use a dildo when I’m worked up enough. Vibrators are great, no doubt. I don’t typically use toys, though, honestly. I did more in my teens when I was ignorant to how my body worked lol. Which is why I wrote the OG comment…I didn’t have appropriate toys, and it caused some shame on occasion. I knew it felt good but didn’t feel safe talking to my parents about it.