Racking a shotgun will also scare most aggressors. It’s also simply much more visible to a home intruder. You’re more likely not to even need to fire one compared to a hand gun.
Paul Harrell (RIP Paul) pretty well debunked this, anyone who would be afraid of the shell being loaded would equally be afraid of a weapon being pointed at them, and racking the shell gives them time to react if they truly have hostile intent to warrant a shotgun being pointed at them.
The point is to telegraph that you have a gun to a home intruder before they get in eye sight. If the intruder doesn’t hear it, then the home owner is in the same position as they would be if they hadn’t bothered.
Easier to hit with when adrenaline is pumping. I’ve never had to nor hopefully will, but it’s what I’ve read. Makes perfect sense. Plus anything too powerful would go through walls when you inevitably miss.
Hard to miss at the distance an intruder in your home would be with buckshot unless you live at buckingham palace. But also will very much go through drywall especially close range
Easier to hit in a panic situation. And also shot pellets do not penetrate walls quite as easily as single bullets, so you’re less likely to have accidental collateral damage.
Why a shotgun? Easier to hit I’m assuming, but also more collateral damage
Pistols put holes in people, rifles put holes through people, and a shotgun will take a chunk off a persons body and spread it over the wall
One ounce slug.
Racking a shotgun will also scare most aggressors. It’s also simply much more visible to a home intruder. You’re more likely not to even need to fire one compared to a hand gun.
Paul Harrell (RIP Paul) pretty well debunked this, anyone who would be afraid of the shell being loaded would equally be afraid of a weapon being pointed at them, and racking the shell gives them time to react if they truly have hostile intent to warrant a shotgun being pointed at them.
The point is to telegraph that you have a gun to a home intruder before they get in eye sight. If the intruder doesn’t hear it, then the home owner is in the same position as they would be if they hadn’t bothered.
Easier to hit with when adrenaline is pumping. I’ve never had to nor hopefully will, but it’s what I’ve read. Makes perfect sense. Plus anything too powerful would go through walls when you inevitably miss.
Hard to miss at the distance an intruder in your home would be with buckshot unless you live at buckingham palace. But also will very much go through drywall especially close range
Easier to hit in a panic situation. And also shot pellets do not penetrate walls quite as easily as single bullets, so you’re less likely to have accidental collateral damage.