No love for eggs?
fuckin love eggs
although I’m kind of on the fence with them. anything weird happens and I’m not eating eggs for a while. Oh, this one has two yolks in it? Cool I might be done
I wish they were more filling
Beans and grains! Usually a combo of brown rice, oats, and other whole grains. I also top with some form of hot sauce, fermented vegetables, onion, and seeds for extra nutrition. Basically my daily lunch.
I drink an espresso in the morning, and then coffee or tea throughout the day, and usually a green smoothie of some sort and fruits for snacks.
Dinner varies frequently.
Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell
(-protein has one of the highest bio available properties and I think most, if not all trace nutrients essential for human body excluding vitamin C)
Eating EGGs plus a vitamin c source is very fucking healthy.
Eggs, cheese (mostly cottage), beans, greek yogurt (store bought or homemade), tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, sardines and whatever veggies and fruits are on sale. Same for meat, poultry or fish except the inside organs. For carbs I use corn tortillas and quinoa sparingly because I have to watch glycemic index. For snacks I like popcorn, hummus, pita chips. These are also limited.
beans and rice.
South/central American?
…multi-whole-grain sourdough and way more dairy than i should be eating…
Dairy can be ok depending what you mean. Quark yogurt, fine, cheese, not fine.
Recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, so still learning what my staples are. But eggs, strawberries, and grapes have become a pretty regular eat.
Chickpeas, tofu and chicken are often recurring on our cooking, along with rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes.
When eating out my go-to is falafel, with a few different chicken options as second choice.
Rice and eggs, depending on how tight money is sometimes I go for months on just egg fried rice
I’ve found that some canned sweet corn and sesame oil will dress this up really nicely
black beans, chickpeas, cornmeal, eggs, bread
Do u make tortillas?
We eat a lot of tortillas but also johnnycakes.
Sweet potato, black beans, and peanutbutter (not together lol)