I’d like to see just how horrible someone can make a site. Facebook is a good contender.
Anything owned by billionaires.
I… Why that sounds dangerous?
This one is gold
Blue, actually. Very, very, very blue.
The color blue is not for rent, they’re giving that shit away.
The site says it’s closing August of 2020…
You can, by going to the coupon page of this Web Site, print out coupons for trail rides and receive great discounts.
I like the random red button on the left with no description. Had to click
Eons ago I made a shocksite-“game” that where you basically could trick people into visiting, and you got a point for each visit. The site was basically a collage of the usual such as goatse, tubgirl, et.al. I guess that was the worst, and putting no effort into the design didn’t help either.
Anyways, years went by, and I didn’t have time or interest in maintaining it anymore, so I let the domain name Expire. I chuckled a bit a while back when I realized that the domain had been bought by a jewelry brand, and the used it as a webshop. If only they knew the history… they obviously haven’t checked out the internet archive for that domain.
An absolute classic
Reminds me of freshman year in college… people would sneak into each others rooms and put it up on each other’s computers, trying to see if they could set a record for most spins.
Flo Rida ruined meatspin for me.
Goatse raises an objection.
You spin me right round baby right round.
Lord I remember my friends throwing this shit on school computers…
You spin a wheel and they ship you free meat. I couldn’t disagree with you more. I recommend anyone try it out. I don’t know why it exists, but my freezer is stocked.
Rule 34?
Stileproject and rotten.com were absolute horror shows. Stileproject just seems to be porn now, but I saw a photo once in like 2005 or so of a guy standing on his head with his legs apart with a full size fire extinguisher jammed deeply into his ass.
Tame by extreme internet shock content standards
Ooooo you must be between the ages of 35 and 43 if you’ve been to old-school* stileproject! What a throwback!
I’m 50. We do know about the internet!
I was CLOSE!
How are we measuring?
- Global harmful impact: it’s hard to beat Facebook
- Disgusting: long ago, I got a spam advertising a dedicated CSAM site. I looked to see it it was really what it said, and sent it to NCMEC when I saw that is was
- Actively malign: 8chan is up there, as are old fashioned hate groups.
I kinda meant horrible design, but I guess these categories are good measurements too
Literally 4chan, but worse.
How do you even land there?
I only know 4chan through comments, I wouldn’t even bother looking for another site like that lol.
4chan wasn’t even the first, it was an English version of a japanese site (futaba channel) which was an image board version of a forum (2channel).
Back in the late aughts, there were a ton of *chan sites. Some even more unsavory than 4chan.
In terms of social, political, and geopolitical harm, no platform beats Facebook. At least in X there are community notes. In Facebook, none of that.
Lately, google.com has been absolute trash.
The landing page for Google looks fine and clean and everything but look at the source and you see an absolute nightmare
With Facebook and x.com you pretty much understand the risks going in.
But with stack overflow there’s so much naivete required to create an account and begin asking questions. The good stuff is laid out right in front of you: people asking similar questions and getting thoughtful responses to deeply technical questions. It feels rewarding to get your first answer approved.
But then after months of “trying” you hit the wall. A sudden deluge of hostility and toxicity. Bipolar moderation staff suddenly deciding your content has no value and dumping you on a curb at night with a shitty smug comment, to the applause of bloodthirsty hoards of bootlicking trolls.
Nothing could have prepared you for this. It’s hell. All of your work for nothing, any chance of justice or restitution gone. Every promise broken.
It’s insidiously evil and I hope every member of their staff (unpaid moderators included) goes bankrupt and loses their home to foreclosure.
Yeah, I’m really happy for GPT for this alone. It minimised my exposure to SO.
In terms of terrible design choices, the TempleOS home page ranks pretty high.
Was this designed by the “CIA n…”?
Random racism aside, RIP king
It’s the way God intended.
I thought Twitter was a stupid idea when it first started. 140 character limit? What the fuck is the point? The fact they increased that limit shows it was dumb. Everything else about the site just gives further reason to hate it.
It’s still very stupid, character limit increase or not.
That limit came from the days of SMS. The idea was that you can’t go to the internet, because data is expensive, the network doesn’t exist, your dumb phone can’t even open websites etc. However, you can send SMS messages, and those things have a 160 character limit.
Do does that mean they took an existing limitation from the SMS protocol, that didn’t apply because it used data instead and then shoehorned it into a godawful web 2.0 monstrosity all the same (and bear in mind, this is significantly reducing the unnecessary character limit!)
In 2006 the restriction did apply. The idea was that you would type the message on a computer, and let Twitter send a few SMS messages to a small group people.
You weren’t supposed to have millions of followers or write a full length blog post using a hundred short messages. The idea was that you cold reach people quickly even though they didn’t have access to a proper computer or the internet. So much has changed in the past 18 years…
So wait, it would convert them into an SMS for you?
Why bother with the middle man…
Back in the bad old days, messages cost you real world money. If you wanted to reach lots of people by SMS, it would be pretty expensive. Might as well let Twitter pay for the messages, especially when you’re just writing a public announcement.
Still does where I’m from! As to why they front up for the 18 cents (or similar), seems mental
I’ve heard some strange stories about a mysterious land on the other side of a vast ocean. In this far-away land of countless wonders, companies are only symbolically restricted by laws. This means that they can legally exploit their employees and customers in all sorts of creative ways, and charge pretty much whatever they want. Maybe you’ve heard similar wonderful tales as well?
Pintrest is the worst website ever built and has caused immense damage to the free sharing of information.
It was actually pretty cool when I started and real people used it.
Honestly don’t get why they’re still around and what they do.
Used to be an easy way to collect and share photos or something from a website with friends. It was especially useful with things like making a collection of fashion that you liked and then discussing similar fashions with friends. It actually at one point would recognize some pieces of clothing and then create links to buy it. Actually a useful advertising kind of thing IMHO. But it became bloated and full of tracking nonsense rather than helping people share things and so it lost its usefulness. It seems it’s mostly populated by bots now to drive SEO.
me: oh hey I was looking for–
Pinterest: Sign in or I will come to your house and break your thumbs
me: well fuck you too then
I legitimately don’t know why Google hasn’t filtered it out of image search results. It’s harmful to Google’s platform.
It’s the top rated blocked website on Kagi.
I don’t know why Google doesn’t take a hint.
This is a baseless but very reasonable theory - because Pinterest pays them a fuck ton of money.
Together with Quora. Search engine pollution.
There was about ten minutes there when Quora was Yahoo! Answers for people who passed the Apgar test.