It’s incredibly enlightening that all these pearl clutching fuckers like Mayorkas decry violence and violent rhetoric but see no violence in the way this industry hurts and kills people en masse every day.
“When the rich rob the poor, it’s called business. When the poor fight back, it’s called violence.”
What we need is a leftist party that isn’t afraid to fight dirty. We need scorched earth policy.
Not that I don’t get where you’re coming from, but taken in isolation that quote is obscenely ironic.
Context is everything
so fucking learn something from it
Mayorkas said […] that he’s “alarmed” by the “heroism that is being attributed to an alleged murderer of a father of two children on the streets in New York City,”
Luigi is a hero. Brian Thompson got what he deserved, and his children are better off without him.
he noted that “that’s the actions of an individual, not reflective of the American public and of the democracy in which we live.”
I guess we’ll just need some more examples. Seems to be comming back into fashion.
Not reflective? Then why the fuck are you so concerned?
Imagine what life lessons his children learned from him.
his children are better off without him.
That’s certainly not true. You don’t have to dehumanize someone you see as your enemy.
I recently watched 1917, and ::: spoiler spoilers I’m proud of the way the plane was handled. One can see the necessity of war without dehumanizing the other side. :::
I’m sorry for his kids. I’m sorry for his family. I can continue to hope for a better way.
We’ve been through this history enough times. I, for one, would rather not repeat it. If this is the way things are gonna go, it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better.
Dude had no qualms about dehumanizing the people he stole money from and didn’t give life saving treatment to. Just because he could do it from the cover of corporate mandates doesn’t make it any less evil.
That’s certainly not true.
That’s certainly not something you can determine with the knowledge we have. Many children are, or would be, better off without their shitbag parent. God knows I would have been.
It’s pretty horrible to say, either way.
It depends. It appears he wasn’t really in the picture and has a history of being a piece of shit. Who’s to say that his kids aren’t better off without him, and honestly, probably heavily enriched by his demise?
Losing a father isn’t always a bad thing.
The social media rhetoric is a response to the material conditions. If people weren’t regularly pushed to bankruptcy or left to die by the “Delay Deny Defend” industry, they wouldn’t have any malice towards the industry’s leaders. If the industry didn’t give nearly everyone a reason to hate what Brian Thompson represented, they wouldn’t have celebrated his death.
I love that on SNL last night, the mention of Luigi on Weekend Update was met with enough cheers that made Colin Jost have to stop and wait for the cheers to die down before telling his joke.
I’m not plugged into popular culture or any of that shit. So I’m a bit dumbfounded that this happened. That is very encouraging.
Yeah it is alarming.
Just not for the reason you think it is.
It’s alarming how surprised the oligarchs seem to be. Like they didn’t realize they were the baddies.
I expect many of them have spent their lives so immersed in capitalist indoctrination that they genuinely have no idea others view their activities as exploitation and a bad thing. To them, accumulating wealth through whatever means you can is just what you do. And they tend to think that anyone who doesn’t do this is just a bit stupid and hasn’t figured out what life is about. Don’t underestimate their narrow-minded blinkeredness.
Perhaps they have stopped thinking critically and believe that whatever is legal is ethical.
I’ll save them some time: The entire for-profit insurance, prison, and banking industries are unethical.
Oligarchs are, by definition, backstabbers. They don’t know solidarity amongst themselves
Nah it’s just weaponized “concern trolling” in an attempt to quell support. I’m sure the red coats used similar language when talking about people like George Washington back in the day too.
This guy boos at the end when Terrorist Luke Skywalker ruthlessly murders beloved innovator and family man Emperor Palpatine
Palpatine looked exactly like Joe Lieberman. Coincidence?
Lieberman hated the idea of universal health care and loved companies like United health care:
this dudes name is literally joe niceman/lovelyman ???
Sheev was a father and beloved grandparent.
Some murders are self defence.
I call this “societal self defense”.
No, murder is a crime.
If you kill someone in self defensive, its called a homicide. This was a homicide (or an execution, which is a type of homicide that is approved by society). It was not a murder.
No killing in self-defense is murder.
As alarming as corporations being legally allowed to act as death squads?
*death panels
Yes, that is by far the most appropriate. Considering that is the terminology that was used to demonize the possibility of public healthcare in the US.
On top of killing people as his day job, Brian Thompson was also convicted of drunk driving, insider trading, and fraud.
Thompson was a rich 3 time loser felon so why was he walking the streets at all? He could have been safe in jail if the justice department did their jobs. That includes you Mayorkas, so thats enough with your complaints.
I feel like, if nothing else, Luigi chose his target extraordinarily well. Other than being a father, which just about anyone with testicles can do, Thompson doesn’t seem to have done one redeeming thing.
Well don’t forget that he came from the middle class and so intimately knew their struggles and turned his back on them and became a class traitor.
I mean… hold on let me put on my capitalism glasses… “he achieved the American dream”
It’s only redeeming if he was a good father. Otherwise, he was a sperm donor.
Well as he was separated and not living with his wife and kids, I suspect he likely wasn’t a great partner/father either.
Jesus if that guy cheated on his wives a few more times we would have had to worry about people wanting him for president
Some are alarmed, others encouraged.
Even for those who don’t approve of killing the exploiters, this sends a refreshing message of “Maybe we don’t actually have to put up with their shit.” It clearly has them worried that maybe we won’t.
I approve. I will pre-authorize it.
Oh look it’s scared! Yay! LA REVOLUTION!
Why do they keep framing him as a father as if that should make us feel empathy?
Osama bin Laden was a father to 23 fucking kids.
Even Trump and Musk have kids - doesn’t make either one less of a dirt bag.
Is Musk still bringing his little human shield around with him?
The fucking asshoke fucked over and denied care to fucking children with cancer.
He also fucked over who knows how many other people, many of whom were also parents.
The all had family. And he fucked then all over without a single moment of regret.
His kids get to inherit his blood money. So fuck them too.
Unconscious pronatalist bias.
People don’t talk about it much, but there’s an unconscious tendency to give more sympathy to parents. There’s a million reasons why this happens but I’m not gonna go there.
The media is pretty heavy handed with this manipulation becauseit usually works. Any article about a murdered woman mentions if she’s a mother, and if not it’s “she didn’t get to have kids yet.” It gets lots of clicks.
That CEO is so disgusting that they can’t even activate people’s unconscious biases and the media is panicking because they’ve lost control. It’s kinda impressive and funny tbh.
Side note - I’m not an antinatalist or anything, I’m just a philosophy/sociology nerd.
lol. lmao, even.
“Are we the baddies?” is for sure an extraordinarily alarming moment of clarity
so it’s very alarming, but not so much as to even mention the underlying reason for the rhetoric