How could we when Kamala enthusiastically repeats complete fabrications about Oct. 7th as justification for the genocide she’s currently supporting. She even said it again last night!
Are you just going to ignore the racist and xenophobic talking points by Harris about how immigrants are bringing fentanyl to kill US citizens, or Harris bringing up the factually incorrect claims about Hamas members and Palestinian men sexually assaulting Israelis, based on racist colonial tropes? Or how Harris was a top prosecutor that spent her entire career locking up minorities.
All trumpanzees so obviously need to be rounded up and shot that it’s not even worth mentioning. It’s libs like you that need to be called out for trying to use faux progressivism to justify the exact same shit trumpanzees want.
‘Dissidents’ like they’re some powerless minority being oppressed and that their dissent isn’t over the value of human life. This is why we say that liberals are the same as fascists. “Sorry freemen, if we crack down on the whites killing you and passing black codes, it’s just not a democracy!”
Ah yes, peak anti-fascism: declaring your political opponents to be monolithically evil to justify their execution. Half of all American voters are subhuman scum that must be cleansed to bring about democracy.
You can, if you stop abstaining or voting third party out of protest. You can’t blame the electoral system for being ineffective if you don’t use it right.
No one claims that donald isn’t a racist, but every time kamala is correctly identified as also being a racist genocide supporter you get chucklefucks like yourself standing up to defend the integrity of a person who has a whole ass racist career behind her and is currently supporting a genocide. We don’t ignore trump, it’s just that his supporters are gleeful about the racism instead of browbeating everyone about the moral superiority of their preferred imperialist.
Damn if she’s not racist she should stop implementing racist policies and using racist rhetoric that endangers immigrants and minorities then. I’m sure it’s all just a big misunderstanding.
The Biden administration (of which she is a part) continues to send weapons to a state that is using those weapons to openly commit a genocide, and Kamala has plainly stated she has no intention of stopping the flow of those weapons. What other way am I supposed to interpret this, exactly, other than her being pro-genocide?
On the left is racism AND genocide. But you knew that already, you’re just happy to mislead.
And Trump’s solution to the genocide is nuking Gaza.
If you’re using Harris’s stance on Palestine/Israel as a reason to not vote for her, you’re an idiot.
Common genocide supporter comment
You are complicit in genocide.
The right is genocide AND rascism. But you knew that already, you’re just happy to be self-decieved
in the right is racism and genocide, but in way that’s palatable to libs, you’re just happy to mislead
Don’t forget rape!
[](Inside Isreal’s torture, rape and dehumanization centers)
Agreed, no rapist or rapist supporter can ever be trusted with power
Blue MAGA has proven that’s not a deal breaker for them either lol
Something something Tara Reade is a Russian agent
Ding ding. In addition to Bill Clinton and Hillary covering up for him. And Epstein, but thats the whole ruling class
The left candidate on the right and the right candidate on the left has me confused about what she these comments are on.
There’s no left candidate here though. Only two genocidal capitalists
Very true, for purposes of this comment, I’d mean relative to each other.
How could we when Kamala enthusiastically repeats complete fabrications about Oct. 7th as justification for the genocide she’s currently supporting. She even said it again last night!
Are you just going to ignore the racist and xenophobic talking points by Harris about how immigrants are bringing fentanyl to kill US citizens, or Harris bringing up the factually incorrect claims about Hamas members and Palestinian men sexually assaulting Israelis, based on racist colonial tropes? Or how Harris was a top prosecutor that spent her entire career locking up minorities.
You’re doing a fine job of ignoring Donald’s ¯\(ツ)/¯
All trumpanzees so obviously need to be rounded up and shot that it’s not even worth mentioning. It’s libs like you that need to be called out for trying to use faux progressivism to justify the exact same shit trumpanzees want.
As opposed to the very authentic progressivism of rounding up and shooting political opponents?
People like you are why reconstruction went the way it did
If you can’t reach your ideal democracy without executing dissidents, that’s not democracy.
‘Dissidents’ like they’re some powerless minority being oppressed and that their dissent isn’t over the value of human life. This is why we say that liberals are the same as fascists. “Sorry freemen, if we crack down on the whites killing you and passing black codes, it’s just not a democracy!”
Ah yes, peak anti-fascism: declaring your political opponents to be monolithically evil to justify their execution. Half of all American voters are subhuman scum that must be cleansed to bring about democracy.
If you can’t stop a genocide electorally, that’s not democracy.
You can, if you stop abstaining or voting third party out of protest. You can’t blame the electoral system for being ineffective if you don’t use it right.
You’re doing a fine job of ignoring Harris’s.
But I’m not?
Oh come on, it’s a false equivalence on its face. How many other options are there?
No one claims that donald isn’t a racist, but every time kamala is correctly identified as also being a racist genocide supporter you get chucklefucks like yourself standing up to defend the integrity of a person who has a whole ass racist career behind her and is currently supporting a genocide. We don’t ignore trump, it’s just that his supporters are gleeful about the racism instead of browbeating everyone about the moral superiority of their preferred imperialist.
You flipped it around 100%
Good job comrade
Is “comrade” supposed to be an insult? People aren’t embarrassed that they’re Communists.
It’s not news to anyone that Trump is a massive piece of shit.
Damn if she’s not racist she should stop implementing racist policies and using racist rhetoric that endangers immigrants and minorities then. I’m sure it’s all just a big misunderstanding.
It would be one thing if you only talked about the policies being essentially the same and having the same outcomes.
But you brought up rhetoric, and the rhetoric is not the same, and that gives people leeway in saying you’re being misleading.
So being racist towards Palestinians isn’t racist? Is that what you’re saying?
So you acknowledge Kamala is pro-genocide?
yeah but not the racist kind of genocide
Well yeah, like the intelligent and capable kind of genocide, but surely not the racist kind
Not in the way that you want. But you’ve already decided so why waste my breath?
What other way is there to be pro-genocide? I guess you feel there needs to be some other option since you’re a genocide supporter yourself
You’re trying a little too hard to discourage people from voting for Harris. That is, it’s a little too obvious.
The Biden administration (of which she is a part) continues to send weapons to a state that is using those weapons to openly commit a genocide, and Kamala has plainly stated she has no intention of stopping the flow of those weapons. What other way am I supposed to interpret this, exactly, other than her being pro-genocide?
“Not in the way you want”
Oh fuck you, how put upon. You’re the real victim here, having to deal with moral scorn. Boo fucking hoo.