
A cheap acoustic guitar from Amazon… That’s what happens when you’re unemployed, you waste that little money you have… I can’t even play it, I though it would be easy to at least pretend to play it but not, is a pretty dust collector now that I want to destroy.

Also I guess cyberpunk 2077.

  • It sounds like OP might have ADHD. Which makes it even harder to both focus on something that isn’t immediately gratifying as well as keep a schedule. It’s still possible (I’m learning guitar slowly myself) but it definitely takes more effort than a NT person may have.

      2 months ago

      I’ll second that. We love to try new things!

      In fact, we love it so much, that we instantly stop caring about all the old things that we’ve tried.

      Just ask my Magic cards, D&D books, homebrewing equipment, lock picks, camping gear, axe & knife throwing range, video & board game collection, and whatever else is collecting dust at my house.