Some attorneys say it’s not practical, especially for tenants with overdue rent.
You don’t say!
Only some
Other attorneys are paid by landlords.
American “justice” system at work. This really makes my blood boil to read. I hope this law is overturned, it’s beyond absurd - its also malicious.
“Sure, I’ll overturn it. For money.” -judge, probably
Being a judge seems like a pretty great deal honestly. I could use free luxury vacations and a 10 million dollar sinecure for my SO.
Legal industry is a better term than justice system. It is a a profitable industry using the law to extract profits.
So evict someone living paycheck to paycheck and force them onto the street, they won’t be able to afford to challenge it because they’d need to put up more money than they have, and then arrest them because homelessness is illegal.
Who ya gonna believe? The honest Trump-fearing landlord, or the homeless criminal?
The fact that people will likely worship him as a God if he wins again…
Fuck, when you put it like that, it almost sounds like it was planned that way. What a funny cowinky-dink.
It’s free labour!
And… prison labor is profitable…
“We’re bringing back slavery baby!” - JD Vance probably
It never left.
JD Vance has that weird Christian-Soviet obsession with bringing industrial production (EDIT: back from China etc) to the USA. Maybe bunking on factory territory included, like in good old year 1904.
I know it’s a propaganda device, but what isn’t.
It has never been about fairness or even what is legal in TN courts. I was at a court hearing in TN with a friend who was there as a witness in a civil suit. Most of the cases I saw were tenant - landlord disputes with a lot of defendants not showing up. For each one of these the judge had the bailiff call twice and render a default judgment in the plaintiffs favor. No problem on the surface, show up to defend yourself or face a default judgement.
Then a case came up where the defendant stepped up but the plaintiff wasn’t there. The judge had the bailiff call at least five time, check the hallway and told the defendant to wait in the court room and see if the plaintiff showed up while the judge called other cases.
That kind of money would get you a mortgage
Ooooh sorry I’m afraid you don’t have enough income to qualify.
Already did. 3 years ago my house cost me $25k and change for down and closing
more rules that only benefit rich people. slowly making being poor illegal.
totally makes sense for one of the poorest states
Disaffected poor racists and bigots will continue to reelect the people doing this to them.
almost feels like victim blaming. theyre suffering under generational propaganda… completely brainwashed. how do you combat that?
With re-educucation
Which is generally why the thing the rich tend to also target is education
There are lots of people who grew up in conservative households and broke free of politics or religion. I don’t know how to help make that happen for people.
Duh. That’s the point.
Why nobody wants to work anymore? <insert pikachu face>
Makes complete sense. If you’re evicted wrongfully, you have an appeal option that doesn’t hurt either party. If you’re evicted for not paying your rent, then… Yeah. Gtfo.
Lots of places worldwide require 1 year of rent upfront, no exceptions. In addition you have a security deposit and utilities deposit. And guess what, the rent is never late that way. Amazing how that works.
If you have a whole year’s rent saved up + security and utility deposit then you have a down payment on a mortgage saved up, what would be the point in renting?
Really curious what places require this absurd 1 year up front, I have never heard of that.
Rent is usually about 8% to 15% of the property purchase price per year globally. Many places that have laws like this require a minimum 20% or 25% downpayment for awesome candidates, 50% is normal down to get a mortgage.
For example most of the Middle East, which has the best real estate market in the world for the past few years, is 50% down to buy plus 8% ish in closing fees to buy. Rent is generally in that 10% range, paid upfront 100% for the year.
worst post I’ve read today, congrats!
Congrats to you for being stupid! If you’d like to see where this is absolutely normal, use your 2 brain cells to Google for places that exist outside the shithole of whatever piece of America you live in.
How’s that boot taste? Ya shinin’ 'er up real good?
Pretty good since I can afford a house and you obviously can’t and just keep getting evicted. STFU
How do you get evicted wrongfully?
An actual good question. Many places have no fault evictions. This means the landlord asks you to leave, but you’ve not violated your lease in any way. In those places, which are some cities in the US, entire provinces/states in some countries, and entire countries elsewhere in the world, that would be an unlawful eviction.
There are other places that allow eviction for specific reasons even if you’ve done nothing wrong, otherwise similar to no fault. For example the usual reasons are if the property is being sold, or if the landlord is moving back in themselves. It would be unlawful for the landlord to evict you on the guise of moving in themselves, and then find it re-rented a couple months later.
I have never in my 53 years of existence ever heard of a years rent as a deposit.
complete horseshit. just say you’re a landlord because no one in their right mind would think this is even remotely normal.
Just say your a myopic American that can’t fathom not everything works like the Cracker Barrel.
I am a landlord, AND I rent. I live globally around the world. Wake up stupid.
I live in TN ( for now ) and our Trump loving leadership is making a fine case for moving out of state.
So if someone wants a cash infusion, they can evict their tenants without notice and get a years worth of rent instantly? I’m sure that won’t be abused.
Bonds are paid into court. They don’t go directly into the landlord’s pocket. Also nobody gets evicted without notice (and understand that notice is a term of art in this context–plenty of people get evicted without knowing about it or being actually made aware, but every state has a requirement that you have to do one of a limited number of things in order to provide notice to a tenant of an eviction).
This is a shitty law, but please don’t make stuff up or draw assumptions to pretend it’s worse than it actually is.
The problem this state (via the landlords’ lobbying for this change) is trying to fix is the scenario in which an evicted tenant gets a sympathetic judge in a jurisdiction with a long docket backlog and basically gets to squat in the property rent-free for however long they can stretch out the litigation. If you’re just now becoming familiar with the value of litigants dragging out litigation, well, welcome to 2024.
I know social media despises landlords (and there’s very good reason to revile institutional real estate hoarders), but there are good public policy reasons to not want people squatting in properties rent-free, one of which is that if the landlord can’t get a non-paying tenant off the property through legal means, they will pursue non-legal means instead. There are much better ways to accomplish this than the way TN has here, but shotgun evictions are something we’d really like to avoid.
The problem this state (via the landlords’ lobbying for this change) is trying to fix is the scenario in which an evicted tenant gets a sympathetic judge in a jurisdiction with a long docket backlog and basically gets to squat in the property rent-free for however long they can stretch out the litigation
Classic case of the solution being many times worse than the problem.
Also, people too poor to afford rent don’t tend to be able to afford dragging out litigation either. Lawyers are expensive and even if you manage to get pro bono representation, there’s likely to be limits.
if the landlord can’t get a non-paying tenant off the property through legal means, they will pursue non-legal means instead.
So the solution to landlords breaking the law to get rid of poor people is to make it unaffordable for poor people to contest unfair evictions?
Sounds like landlord logic…
shotgun evictions are something we’d really like to avoid.
Then take the gun away from landlords in stead of pointing one at homeless or soon to be homeless people.
It was never rent free. The system they got rid of said the court set a payment already. The idea that it was rent free is pure propaganda.
My brother in Christ, I have worked in landlord-tenant on and off for decades, and I’ve been on both sides of many, many evictions. If you think courts always exercise their discretion fairly and equitably, I have a bridge to sell you.
Being fair some of the time is still a lot better than, “fuck you, you’re too poor for justice.”
I missed that it went to the court, the term payed rather than posed a bond or something suggested it went to the landlord. But to the court makes much more sense.
In saner years I’d say that the Supreme Court would never let this stand, but these days Clarence would just say “Fuck it, make it double.”
ITT: people who don’t know what appeal means. The article gives an example at the end as to why this is a bad idea, but it doesn’t affect the actual eviction process.
Oh it very well can when you get hit with default judgement due to not finding out about the court date and being half the country away in the new state you moved to…I know from personal experience you can be responsible, communicate and have everything above table and still get fucked.
Democrats will be blamed in 3, 2, 1…
This is why burning places down is a good option
Shit I live in TN… well I have loud neighbors I need to shut up…