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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Oh yeah, for every vegan that just beats everyone around them, over the head, with their veganism, there are 100, or more, people who go out of their way to insult, and offend, vegans. I have seen far more people do things like try to slip animal products in food, secretly, to make vegans eat it, go out of their way to over indulge in meat because there is a vegan there, and just talk shit, than any vegan proselytizing.

    Ultimately I just think that, as it currently stands, allowing animals to have meat, if they are natural carnivores, is better than alternatives. When they get good enough, sure, move on with it.

    I do think veganism has had their representation taken over by the loudest, and most obnoxious, elements, but that can be said about nearly every lifestyle, or belief system. This, to a lesser extent, and other things, to a greater extent, is why I hope being able to synthetically produce animal products, will come to fruition. I honestly do not believe most of society can be convinced to be vegan. If the end of humanity isn’t a convincing argument… well I don’t know what is.

    But, this is just my opinion.

  • Vegan cat food being safe isn’t exactly an uncontested thing in the scientific/medical community.

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=vegan foods for cats

    Everything from it being very hard to balance the nutrients in these foods, in a production sense, to veterinary science not being complete on what is needed for proper diet. The foods available aren’t great, and making it yourself is generally worse. Most of the reports of the animals being perfectly fine, when allowed to be closely monitored by experts, show that, while they appear fine, they likely to suffer long term consequences to their health, and often die of them. however it takes a long time, so regardless of the average lifespan decrease, which is abstract, and hard for a general pet owner to quantify, since the cats lived for years, people assumed it was fine. There is also a lot of mis/disinformation from the pro side on the actual QOL of the animals, both because they aren’t experts to know, and, to a lesser extent, data gets fudged to support their goals. This is not to say that the same can’t be said of the con side.

  • The US is an imperialist hypocrite of a country. Like that is just a damn fact. As you point out though, the issues leftists, not in these spaces, have with places like hexbear, and ml, is the fact that they back authoritarian regimes like China. China who is in the process of the US playbook of economic imperialism with their BRI. They are committing a genocide, they are exploiting much poorer countries, to hold them in economic dependency, and they are discussing annexing land they do not own any longer, and haven’t for a long time now. No I am not talking about Taiwan.

    They are making so many similar moves to the US post WWII, and have an economy that is dependent on allowing capitalism, to the point that they have a billionaire class second only to the US. While the US is growing its police/surveillance state, China is leagues ahead on that one. The big thing China doesn’t have, is something similar to the massive global infrastructure the US developed to be able to deploy, and supply, its military in a time frame measured in hours. China is trying to develop something along these lines, but it has the US/NATO super structure all ready in place, it will have to, at least partially, displace. This will not be easy.