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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Reported me for what?? Hurting your feelings?

    Usual soy brain takes from huffing too much vegan propaganda. Meat is meat and contains enough nutrients for the obligate carnivore. You seem a little slow so I will repeat it once more; inventing loopholes to jump through just so your obligate carnivore unconsenting pet can follow your ridiculous fad diet is the height of insanity.

    Since you mentioned commercial pet food, to be clear this is a strawman as that shit is equally obnoxious and only an ignorant chump would feed it to their pet with any regularity.

  • Chocolate covered roaches and Neocons exist, doesn’t make it a good idea necessarily. Taking an obligate carnivore animal and force feeding it lab produced food-adjacent slop that exists nowhere else in nature, just so your little pet can play along with your fad diet to validate your fee-fees surely strikes me as complete and utter bat shit lunacy.