Good luck reaching an unwilling horse’s eye balls
Good luck reaching an unwilling horse’s eye balls
If you get prep time you could set up some traps.
Assuming both sides see it as a fight to the death, the horse will also engage so you could just run away into a bunch of traps. All you need is for the horse to injure a leg in one trap and it’s done for. I think even just some holes with a couple spikes would be enough to injure and maybe even sprain an ankle.
Without prep time you’re pretty doomed, I think your best bet is either climbing up a tree to buy you some prep time to make a spear out of the branches or worst case diving in, aiming to do damage to its legs (unlikely) and hope you are able to get out without being trampled (unlikely)
Tar Xtract Ze Vucking File
Edit: apparently someone else already mentioned this, oops
To answer that question it might be useful to ask a different question: “If people depend on money to survive and if that money is made through manual labour. Does this imply that manual labour is slavery through coercion?”
One crate is still one item
You can specify custom parts of the config that enables that module and/or extra module packages.
If you specify a custom part of the config then ye sure you’ll be compiling the kernel on each kernel update but you don’t need to manually configure it
Also surely a lot of people would know tar -Create Ze Vucking File and/or tar -Xtract Ze Vucking File