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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2024


  • Assuming he believes his words (as opposed to using rhetoric to get what he or someone around him wants, in either case unfortunately, I think he’s serious). I think he sees anything purchased from another country as “subsidizing” that country. To him, its money the US had that Canada now has. I sometimes think he somehow thinks the US should be given things, because…??? Every transaction has to have a “winner” and a “looser” and whoever has a + on the balance sheet is the winner, it doesn’t matter what that + really means. (I can only bend my logic so far to try to figure these things out)

  • I DON’T AGREE WITH MOST OF THE FOLLOWING. what follows is simply my best guess.

    Different people are going to have different reasons, the first two are the majority of the voters the rest are for the owner class.

    1. Take the following statements to be true: Taxation is theft, government action is evil. If you apply no other logic, many of the actions make sense. The CFPB is government action, therefore evil and should be removed.
    2. ANY regulation impedes the free market. CFPB is a regulation it impedes the free market
    3. It helps the selfish people doing it. They will be able to take more risky positions at the expense of the public and make money.

  • I don’t know if this is part of the case, but browsers basically control standards, and with the size of chrome, that means google controls the standards. The browser is a big aspect of the ad pipeline. Because they have the browser they could direct page views to themselves more than they do by using amp links. Even with blocking cookies and such, chrome still sends data back to google. There was the whole logon scheme they were pushing (I don’t remember the name) that only chrome would be able to do. There is a lot you can direct to yourself if you control the main access method.