• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I live in a red, suburban county. Almost every house in my neighborhood has a big ass pickup sitting in the driveway (because it won’t fit in the garage). Most of these dudes drive their giant pickups to work in an office building.

    I asked one of them - an engineer - about it once. He said he works in an office but has to drive to job sites every once in a while, so he drives a truck. Keep in mind the dude does not do any manual labor on those job sites. But the people working there do - and he doesn’t want to feel left out.

    I’d estimate that well over half the big ass trucks in America are driven by guys who want to fit it, but don’t actually need them. They’d be much better off driving something like a Nissan Leaf, but don’t want to get made fun of.

  • I watched this with my kids the other day just to share some of my childhood memories with them.

    I sure was surprised to learn the plot of the movie was that some bad guys had developed a new type of bullet and needed to test it out on the thick skulls of live animals. They try to kidnap Beethoven so that they can shoot him in the head. In order to accomplish this, they abuse the dog until it attacks one of them and then cover themselves in fake blood so the family is forced to agree to have the dog put down.

    Somehow childhood me had blocked all of this out and just remembered “haha funny big dog”.