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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Oh so you’re shifting away from the entirety of this article and anything dipshit the woo-woo self-help author says to…what, exactly? Restating your delusion that if you just complain loudly enough and stupidly enough on a website barely anyone reads, that somehow that’ll make entrenched power step aside for…well, I’m sure you’ll all think of a name later?

    Did you suddenly realize that sinking effort into defending this irrelevant dipshit might make others realize how dumb and likely dishonest your opinion is? Yeah bit late there.

    Grow the fuck up. Replacing Biden happens if Biden is dead. Either he wins now or it’s over. Maybe consider focusing on the fight that actually exists instead of the one that was never a real possibility except in delusional peoples’ heads.

    Or keep trying to divide the democratic base like you’re doing here. I assume that’s your real goal, and also why you can’t manage to make any arguments that hold water.

  • As multiple people have already explained to you, in this instance, the Democratic candidate is the only realistic way forward. You are, stupidly, expanding that to all choices forever because, again, you can’t seem to pick up on context.

    You know when a walk sign on a traffic light says “walk,” and then it changes to “don’t walk”? You don’t wander into traffic because it said walk ten seconds ago, right? The poster is trying to tell you not to walk into traffic. The next election cycle, they might say something else, because the situation may have changed. Stop reading things that aren’t there.

  • He was not acquitted.

    The charges were dropped once the massive pile of police incompetence met the shitstorm of public scrutiny.

    First the charges were dismissed without prejudice so the prosecutor could dig and see if he could find some way to make it Walker’s fault that cops killed his girlfriend. Then, when he couldn’t (because of the aforementioned appalling incompetence), and public scrutiny didn’t decrease to a point where he could quietly pressure Walker into a cell anyway, they were dismissed with prejudice.

    It is important to not make shit up about this. If the public scrutiny hadn’t been as intense, it is entirely possible that they would have dragged him to trial and pressured him into a plea bargain. He was lucky that the public managed to continue giving a shit for more than their usual 30-second attention span.

  • We all know you’re full of shit, but just in case you’re a useful idiot to conservatism instead of cynical grifter…

    If you want fewer abortions, the answer has been obvious for decades — sex ed and birth control made available to everyone that wants it, which results in fewer unwanted pregnancies, which results in fewer abortions.

    Your moron political group and its insistence on overturning Roe resulted in an increase in abortions. 2023 had the highest number and rate in literally decades. So if you’re dumb enough to think that’s “murdering babies,” then congrats. The people you vote for increased the body count.

  • If the entirety of the video is summarized by the three whole sentences of context you wrote in your initial comment, it sounds even less worth a watch than I initially thought.

    From what I can find in actual sources, there’s two founders, and I’m guessing your claim on the eugenics is about Greaves, who certainly sounds like an asshole if not explicitly a eugenicist, but weirdly it didn’t take a two-hour anything to read about it.

    The rest of it seems to stem from something a former spokesperson wrote in a Medium article and a bunch of other asshole stunts by Greaves, who yes totally seems like an asshole. None of this took more than ten minutes of searching and reading, maybe thirty if you read slowly.

    I get that you’re not the only person in the world that does this, but if you actually care to make people think about something even once, like you claim to, maybe make the one thing you link to more accessible than a two-hour slog by some random YouTuber that I’m sure is super well-known to you and all their other followers but has no recognizable credibility outside of that tiny niche.