Everyone wins!
no, I’m afraid you don’t understand. Yours is what a rational solution looks like, the ones in charge of the unit don’t want this, they want to control at what time I enter the unit.
If you have 2 older coworkers on a power trip looking for any excuse to explode on you for any perceived slight they are going to use this as ammunition.
It’s though a superb idea and I’ll be using my phone to record those first minutes and be ready to be ridiculed for it.
I need to quit.
somebody who gets it…
I see you are incapable of answering a straightforward question and prefer to rant in the void to feel good.
fine it it helps you feel good but… weird.
there’s asking genuinely and there’s asking maliciously and writing absolute nonsense ‘You live in Germany, you actually have the luxury to not work. Everyone gets a roof, food and healthcare, even without working.’ like the member you defend.
If you consider this an example of a person worth having a discussion with, kudos to you, I’ll pass.
But do please enlighten me, what’s the whole point of those group projects in school?
in your experience, do managers recognize and pay this 20%? This being nursing, I don’t believe it’s gonna be the case: this is a job nobody wants to do, reason why slackers get away not doing much.
their first hour consists of looking for excuses to do nothing but talk with everyone around, whereas I prefer to finish my duties as soon as possible. During the other 7 hours, if somebody from another unit comes to ours, that’s another excuse to do nothing for 10 minutes. If while checking vitals somebody gets a funny meme or video sent to her, another 10 minutes go to waste. Something that could be done in 15 minutes like serving food lasts 45. This is what grinds my gears.
And I just want to finish my duties and go home.
It is true that changing jobs might help, but it’s also true if people are like this everywhere, I’m going to keep resenting them.
answered like a 12 year old… hope you grow up
stop feeling offended
so how would a smart person react to this?
I wouldn’t worry if we distributed patients: I’d have my patients and do only them, but management expects me to cater to all patients, including the ones from the lazy ones…
Im seriously thinking about becoming like them… I jut hope management doesn’t yell a lot when I do that.
work is important to me because I like having a roof, food and healthcare. I don’t have the luxury of not having to work.
Are you saying that work is a place to dump your issues or what you did on the weekend to the point of not doing your job? This is something I find very odd. I don’t want to work with people with this mindset.
Are you advising me to ignore patients when they call? cause that’s what they do and if a job is simply inconsequential, why bother?
Are you also advising me to listen to them when they rant against greens (an ecologist party in Germany) or migrants? It’s tiring and closeted racist.
I don’t see how my work ethic is the wrong one, or how yours would be better. Better if I want to become a careerist? absolutely. Better if I want to feel good with myself? absolutely not.
I see what you did there :D
management is sneaky, right? all my coworkers love drinking the koolaid.