• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • XD omg did you think school was actually in session? In Gaza?! Hahaha I usually don’t comment on braindead takes but I’m going to classify yours as "satire"and make my comment.

    then it was definitely Hamas using children as human shields again.

    Consistent with a braindead take XD

    The cherry on top is your edit where you realized that Israel bombed a shelter, but didn’t realize that the destruction of education had already happened and turned the school into a shelter, which brings us back to the beginning when you thought school was in session!

    Oh man, thanks for the laugh. I love satire.

  • Sharply more Americans than 20 years ago say antisemitism is a very serious problem, as Jewish Americans’ reports of poor treatment exceed those of other faith groups.

    It seems like the Jewish Americans are just reporting it more.

    The number of hate crimes reported to police in the nation’s 10 largest cities rose again in 2023, according to preliminary data released Friday from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University.

    New York and Los Angeles saw some of the largest increases in anti-Jewish hate crimes, rising 12.6% and 48% respectively, while Los Angeles and Chicago saw 40% and 300% increases in anti-Muslim hate crimes, according to the study.

  • a person who I’m fairly certain was not a Jew themselves, actually declared me not Jewish because I live in the U.S. Which is just another form of antisemitism.

    Antisemitism (or, more accurately, ‘Judeophobia’) is being bigoted against someone because they are Jewish. What that person said to you was not antisemitism, it was just stupid.

    Overusing and misusing (sometimes intentionally- à la Israel) that accusation dilutes it’s severity and makes people more likely to handwave actual incidents of discrimination and bigotry, which is not good my Squid.

  • Keeponstalin’s comments are always top notch, and I just want to add a bit more info about the exerpt that reads:

    A minor incident concerning prayer arrangements near the Wailing Wall, the western wall of the Haram, sparked violence that soon swept through Palestine as a whole in 1929.

    The “minor incident” went as follows:

    On 15 August 1929, Tisha B’Av, the Revisionist youth leader Jeremiah Halpern and three hundred Revisionist youths from the Battalion of the Defenders of the Language and Betar marched to the Western Wall proclaiming “The Wall is ours”. The protesters raised the Zionist flag and sang the Hatikvah.[13] The demonstration took place in the Muslim Maghribi district in front of the house of the Mufti.

    Two days later, in raised tensions caused by a 2000-strong Muslim counter-demonstration after Friday prayers the day before, a Jewish youth, Avraham Mizrahi, was killed and an Arab youth picked at random was stabbed in retaliation.[14] Subsequently, the violence escalated into the 1929 Palestine riots.