I firmly believe that a “crustless ice mantle” meets the definition of an ocean.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • Global solutions are nice to ask for, but not forthcoming. We can start by investing in alternatives at the local/national level, encouraging others to do the same, and advocating to grow an alternative way of living that is less extractive and more respectful. Ideas can spread quite quickly, if the conditions are right. A global switch isn’t possible immediately. Infrastructure must be planned. International economic planning and international cooperation are low right now. Even intranational cooperation is low.

    Cooperation grows from the bottom up, and we need to find something locally/nationally to agree on and cooperate over. Plastics and recycling being a unifying issue is hopeful to report, and is something that can be tackled at the local level. I have greatly reduced my own plastic consumption (it’s not zero) and saved money doing it. Plastic products are usually expensive conveniences. Now I spend my days cleaning instead of just tossing and moving on. A part of the problem is that living well requires labor, and our society forces us to sell all of our labor energy to make a boss rich and pay us pennies. Further, we all live in atomized, nuclear units that must be self-reliant, which requires more labor to meet needs compared to the economies of scale involved with community-pooled labor to meet shared needs like food (a major source of plastics waste).

    Previously, western society supported this structure via sexual segregation where one sex provided the labor to live well, and the other provided the labor donated to capitalism in exchange for the family unit being allowed to live. Then, the sex whose job it was to help us live well realized that they were being oppressed in this scenario, since they were being denied many basic rights of citizenship such as being seen as a person by society. They were tricked by the capitalists to demand that they may also donate their labor to the invisible hand in exchange for something closer to full citizenship. This creates a domestic labor vacuum that prevents pay parity. Domestic labor needs are being suppressed by convenience plastic use. The need for someone to do domestic labor causes women to fall back into this role due to the structural vacuum. Convenience plastics use is required to support the lack of time available now that Bosses demand double the labor from each family unit compared to the 1960s. Dropping plastics increases domestic labor requirements which exacerbates the sexual labor vacuum and pay gap. I see a local/national need to fix sexual issues as blocking a fix for our plastics addiction in the west. Abstracting the problematic societal structures around sex, calling them gender, and then breaking their rules is the current strategy to free ourselves.

  • What motivated you to switch branches? Did it solve another issue? Why were you not on the latest branch yesterday, ie, why did you roll back originally? Does one driver work better for some games, and another driver works better for others?

    Nvidia drivers are jank. I honestly haven’t touched them since 2017. I remember having to reboot and switch drivers to switch games I was playing with friends and finding the whole experience annoying as hell. I realized that Linus Torvalds was right, fuck nvidia, AMD is the way to go. Have not had to touch anything with my drivers since switching. All of my interactions with nvidia since have confirmed that they are not a company deserving of my patronage.

  • There’s usually only like 5 tracks. “What’s recommended” is nouveau, which works but not for gaming. It’s recommended because it’s open source and can do most things that the proprietary nvidia drivers can do. Nvidia is really bad at maintaining their drivers, and different drivers work better for different cards.

    Nvidia sucks. Switch to AMD and never have a problem again. Or spend an hour testing each of the proprietary options maintained in the debian repos, and most likely find that at least one of them works. Until an update to the drivers or kernel comes along, and breaks it again, so you have to play around with driver versions and kernel versions to find a combo that works. That’s less likely to happen if you stick with a debian-based distro vs a bleeding-edge distro like arch.

    And buy AMD for your next machine to send a message to nvidia that their driver support sucks!

  • Thanks for the info. To be clear, I am also still figuring out my transition. Transitioning is a process that never ends and eats your whole life. It’s the decision to become who you want to be. It’s an expression of the fundamental right to define yourself.

    My understanding is that I’m not spreading misinformation. My understanding is that some of what you are saying is misinformation. I would like to get to the bottom of this, which is why I’m engaging and trying to do it respectfully.

    Bone density issues and menopause go hand in hand, and are caused by a drop in estrogen levels during menopause. The solution? Take estrogen pills (the original HRT). Testosterone doesn’t factor into this picture. Source: https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/menopause-and-bone-loss

    Your information does not match up with anything I can find from real medical sources. I find it to be dangerous misinformation because it downplays real issues and dangers of recent and barely-proven medical technologies that are only 50-70 years old depending on how you measure.

    Please be careful and evaluate your understanding before spreading misinformation. I know we all want a magical and flawless transition route via the promise of high-tech modern medicine. This is a bias that needs to be confronted to make sure we only encourage people to take actions based on reality.

  • Resources are few and far between. It often involves taking inspiration from other cultures.

    South Asian cultures have kept some of their older gender diverse traditions. Hijras and Metis are rebounding after colonial oppression.

    Native American tribes have a wide variety of gender diverse identities, often grouped under the 2-spirit label. Details about them are difficult to find, as they are often guarded against white people who have a history of sexualizing, “studying”, or otherwise objectifying facets of Native American culture.

    The Talmud (Jewish holy book for training Rabbis) lists eight genders, four of which are trans. In Aramaic times, the Jews thought it important for their spiritual leaders to understand and accept gender diverse members of their communities. More about “how to accept them if you’re their rabbi” than about “how to live as one yourself”.

    What these examples have in common is community/cultural support for the specific practices. It’s a lot easier to do in the context of an understanding community and with a group of like-minded people working together to find tactics to fit in within that cultural context. Would be nice.

    Pagan European mythology also has a lot of examples of gender diverse and transgender expressions. These are sometimes quite fantastical and not always helpful for daily life in today’s world.

    Strategies like orchiectomies can reduce testosterone, and have been practiced across the world since prehistory. Anecdotally, overmasturbation can achieve similar results, if only temporarily. Just keep going until it starts to hurt a little and won’t get hard for a few days and enjoy being clear headed. Kind of a time commitment, though, and you maybe can hurt yourself (??? I’m not a doctor). Bottom surgery is permanent and doesn’t make you dependent on the medical system: it’s one-and-done. It’s an ancient practice, with examples dating back to some of the earliest written records, including of folks who just take matters into their own hands (mad respect).

    I wish I knew of more. A larger community seeking non-pharmaceutical solutions would be more effective at finding solutions than me as an individual. I’m not fully satisfied with my own solutions, and I’m in a phase where I’m trying to adjust them. In another year and a half or so I’ll have a chance at reliable healthcare that isn’t dependent on an employer that has actively interfered with my journey and has expressed and exercised interest in blocking progress when I’ve gone to the “company store” joke of a medical center. Tying healthcare to employment is a broken and inhuman system.

    Sorry if this is getting kind of dark. Solutions are only as good as the cultural context that might support them. You clearly understand that already in the context of your own thought process behind choosing whether or not to go forward with HRT.

  • ”crossdressing”

    Dressing comfortably. Being yourself.

    I would just be a woman by now

    You are a woman.

    I’m a decade older than you. None of the women in my family can take estrogen, even for birth control, due to clotting issues. I can’t speak to what HRT is like, I’m just here to say that it’s not for everyone and you don’t need it to be a girl. You already are a woman. Trans people have existed for all of human history. HRT is extremely recent. There are many valid ways to be trans.

    Your language implies that you don’t think that a transition is valid without some high-tech medical/pharmaceutical intervention. This is not an uncommon view. Unfortunately, the historically traditional ways of transitioning have been systematically snuffed out by Abrahamic extremists over the past several centuries. I for one would love it if more of the trans community embraced reviving these traditional transition methods. I often feel very alone trying to explore alternative options because all of the other trans people jump straight to the drugs. I get it: it’s super easy and effective.

    I don’t fully agree with your assessment of the political landscape. The major problem with HRT is that once you’re on it, you need it or else you’ll get bone issues and premature menopause. Unstable political landscapes mean that the health of many trans people can be seriously impacted by laws changing access to drugs. Being hooked on drugs makes you dependent on fragile healthcare systems that Trumpists have already demonstrated that they are willing to fuck with (look at Roe). There are other health impacts that should not be downplayed and which you should take seriously with your doctor. That said, HRT makes “passing” easier, which means you are less likely to be the victim of political violence, and it can make you a less obvious target for hate crimes.

    If you choose to go on HRT, I’ll be jealous but happy for you. Don’t treat the decision as a necessary prerequisite to being a trans woman. If it’s right for you, and you’ve carefully made sure that you can live with the medical impacts and dependency on a crumbling healthcare system in an unstable political landscape, go for it.