Anybody should be able to join “her” Matrix space and do that. Including you :)
Anybody should be able to join “her” Matrix space and do that. Including you :)
“When they came for me, there was nobody left to help.”
No national stereotypes apply to every single individual from that nation. They are rather about statistical likelihoods. In the Russia people are much more likely to be lazy and socially reckless and say “I am not political” as if it was something to be proud of. And also, it shows a lot that they even feel safe to say so. In Finland people typically have mindset, where saying “I stay away from political conversations” would be very shameful. People would not feel socially safe saying that here. In the Russia it is not shameful. And that feature is one of the things that make “a Russian mindset” a useful concept for use in conversations. There are other features typical to people living in the Russia and atypical for others, not only this one thing.
Ukraine’s losses as dead are lower in proportion to population than those of the Russia. As dead+wounded they are higher, but that’s relevant for the army, not so much for the nation. The severely wounded typically need a prosthesis, but will stay in the lives of their children.
Add to this that Ukraine is the defending party in the war, so they would be able to incur even higher losses without breaking than the aggressor has to bear with.
If you mean civilian casualties… Most of those are in the occupied territories. The terror attacks do kill people, but that is statistically insignificant. The Russia has been able to kill only a fraction of a percent of Ukraine’s civilian population. That is not something that has any effect on the war’s outcome. The terror attacks against civilians might have some strategic function in Putin’s head, and it does have an effect by reducing western countries’ willingness to support Ukraine, but in Ukraine itself it has no real effect and seems to be happening “just for fun” (as macabre as that sounds).
The Russia’s army is in much deeper trouble with manpower than that of Ukraine, and civilian population is statistically not in any immediate danger in either country.
(And I do believe I understand quite okay how the Russian mind works because when I lived in Ukraine, I learned both Russian and Ukrainian languages reasonably well, and can therefore follow their sources in original language)
Last year the Russia was advancing faster than expected. During the whole year they managed to conquer 0.7 % of Ukraine’s total area. Less than one percent. And that’s their “fast”.
Their recruitment capacity is 25 000 to 35 000 soldiers per montg, which tranalates to roughly 1000 per day. And losses (dead+wounded) have been mostly around 1800 per day.
Recent video footage shows almost no Russian tanks but only light DIY vehicles.
Even if Ukraine was to lose all western military support, the Russia would not be able to advance faster than 10 times the speed of last year. And that would be 7% of Ukraine’s total territory. Not enough for victory.
The Ukrainian economy is so small that EU countries would have no problem covering 100% of its budget. Ukraine’s economy will therefore survive indefinitely. The Russia’s won’t.
Time is strongly on Ukraine’s side. They can lose only if the west withdraws all support. We’re not stupid enough to do that.
So, as you said: Since the Russia’s loss is inevitable, why continue wasting their lives?
Well, he also went from lawyer to comedian. Kind of makes the jump seem much lower.
Most of politicians at least here in Europe have not started with a lot of money. You first start in communal politics, then when you’ve shown your skills in that, your party gives you more visibility among the general public. And then you might get to the national parliament, and if you’re doing your job well there, you might end up in a position where you become interesting for voting in as a MEP. Or as the president of your country.
You cannot get into the national parliament out of nowhere, but I don’t really know why you should. It’s a very tough job, and it’s good that you’ve first had to gather some experience from communal politics before that.
Though, this is of course only how it works with leftist and centrist parties. In the right wing parties the system is apparently somewhat different. But that’s one of the reasons I wouldn’t vote them anyway.
What niches are missing? Sports was mentioned, what else?
A wooden one? Or did you mean a suitcase?
Put your oven to heat up to maybe 175 degrees? Take some flour and sugar and salt and, I guess, baking powder? Mix in correct proportions, add a suitable amount of a liquid safe fie eating. Mix well. Pour in forms.
Put the forms on a baking tray and into the oven. If you’re very lucky and you remembered to add the unlisted ingredients in correct amounts, you now have something cupcake-like. Put some toppings on.
…what? Nobody you know IRL uses Facebook, Linkedin, Insragram, Bluesky, Twitter, or That Google Thing?
How is that possible? I don’t think I could find anyone here in Finland who could say what you’re saying. Need more data about this case of yours!
At what age?
True, but there is the army that handed all the logistical trucks to the Red Army. The backbone of the Red Army was US material support. They provided the manpower, USA provided the tools. Plus, USA and UK provided a notable amount of manpower from another direction. And the tools for that manpower as well.
It is true that the Soviet army did a lot there. But still, the Russian claim that they did basically all of the job, especially when a huge chunk of “their” soldiers were actually from Ukraine and not from the Russia, is a lie.
It was a coöperational effort of several countries. USA could not have freed us of Nazis without UK and USSR. And USSR could not have freed us of nazis without USA and UK.
Also, in this case we are discussing here it is crystal clear that this was an actual intended nazi salute. Those other ones in the photos probably were not – at least each picture has visual cues that point towards the hand gesture having had a different meaning than on this one now.
On first one the fingers are much more open than now. On the second one the arm is quite low and the facial expression looks mostly worried. Probably he’s just waving his hand there. And the same goes for the rest of the pictures. Especially the facial expressions are very different from the video shown now, where there is nothing ambiguous.
Of course, if the context is shown, some of those photos could prove to really have been hitler salutes, but I highly doubt they were.
You probably meant this is an answer to me, so I’ll reply.
What I mean is that for example France supporting undemocratic regimes in Africa in order to get cheaper minerals and cheaper cocoa and cheaper bananas is colonialism. It does not mean that it is as bad as what France used to do in the past. And it’s not even as bad as France still retaining several actual colonies. But it is still bad. And it is colonialism. It would be colonialism even if France did not have any formal colonies around the world.
And when China does in 2025 what France is now, in 2025, doing with now-independent countries that used to be its formal colonies, then both of those are colonialism in the same manner. If what China is doing is okay, then that part of what France is doing is also okay. And I do not like the idea of accepting European countries’ colonialism, not even a little bit.
Being bombed is worse than being economically abused, absolutely. But it does not mean that abusing a country economically is okay. I do not like it at all that cocoa and bananas are as cheap here in Europe as they are. That luxury of low prices is coming from other people’s lack of well-being. And someone doing something even worse does not make this bad thing any better. At least in my opinion.
For what I understand, in reality we two think much more alike than you think we do.
You calling me dishonest is not colonialism. You stubbing your toe is not colonialism.
You, my friend, are defending colonialism and I am opposing your view that colonialism is okay as long as it’s done by a country on a list of “countries allowed to behave in a colonialist manner” that you are curating. And somehow that makes me a colonialism apologist?
Haha, everyone is a fascist now?
Yeah, the French colonies, such as French Guyana, are not okay. But neither are the things France is doing to many of the countries that used to be France’s formal colonies. Even though those countries are not colonies of France, what France is doing to them is colonialism all the same. Or do you disagree?
Also, calling me “dumb” was impolite of you, even though factually correct. Calling me a fascist was outright weird.
I’m sorry but you sound pike the people who call DOGE “auditors” who “look for corruption and end it”.
China has been trying to get into big infrastructure projects in Finland as well, with the precisely same kind of loan arrangements. And it’s very good that we declined the offer. We were a colony of Sweden for 600 years. We don’t need to become one of China’s now.
True! Then the company that no longer sells fuel to USA will make less profit when selling fuel to USA! What a punishment!