You are being extremely disingenuous when you say that since you’re only counting household burglaries. And I’m sure you know it.
I’m literally commenting on how the person above me claims American firearms ownership makes “the act of “home invasion” fundamentally different in the UK and the US.” by “turning “somebody stole my iPad” into “somebody stole my iPad and then shot me in the spine”.” Household burglaries is the context of the conversation.
you would have us believe that only 108 of those happened in someone’s house?
No, I am claiming that ~108 incidents (could be 1 or more victims per) happen by a burglar’s hands. You know that, you just said I’m being deceitful for limiting it to those parameters, and now you’re lying about them.
the CDC doesn’t track all gun deaths
Correct, and I haven’t cited CDC data. As I’ve said many times now, I’ve cited Gun Violence Archive’s numbers, whose sole mission is to catalog as high of numbers as they can. Their 2016 combined homicide & suicide stats exceed your source’s numbers at 38k. I’ve also been using the higher number of ~60k deaths & injuries from someone else’s gun per year instead of ~45k combined homicides & suicides.
Because in a discussion of someone’s claim of “essentially zero” risk of harm from someone in a home invasion, the actual risk is currently very close to the widely-agreed-upon, internationally-lambasted, domestic-politics-dominating risk of harm from another’s gun. Or hey, we’ll count what you purposefully do to yourself as well and say it’s 2/3 of the way there.
I really don’t understand how saying “home invasion isn’t a boogeyman, being harmed from it is as likely as gun violence” has been interpreted as “you’re saying gun violence is a boogeyman” other than everyone here taking the top comment at face value.
Yeah, yeah that’s indeed where I draw the line. I don’t think a person is morally obligated to ascribe best-intentions to someone breaking & entering (again, they’ll be violent toward you 26% of the time), I don’t think a person is morally obligated to be a victim of violence in their own home, I don’t think a person is morally obligated to evacuate what is meant to be their safe haven, and I sure as shit don’t think anyone else either with a badge or without is coming to be the good guy for you. And as defense, I don’t think it is murder.