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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I had typed out a long response detailing what transgender care is, why it’s different from “old care” that “everyone” gets, and why you’re uninformed. I even had https://genderdysphoria.fyi/ lined up as a website to help you learn more.

    But I have eyes and I am literate. I am able to read how you respond to others.

    You’re a cunt and you don’t deserve the basic respect you deny others constantly. I will not sit here and debate my existence with you and I don’t think anyone should take you seriously in any way. If you have such a problem with trans people, consider gouging your eyes out and piercing your eardrums with a pencil yourself so you no longer need to perceive us.

  • You could have all of the evidence in the world show you the contrary, but you’ll bend over backwards to assert that the earth is flat jews run the government sperm are fully qualified children gender affirming care is wrong or harmful. You’ll use children to do this, even though the care given to trans youth is overwhelmingly social and reversible puberty blockers. People like you want to shove kids back in the closet. I’m so, so sorry that kids are more mature than you were growing up. I have to wonder who hurt you.

  • This rings so true with me and my experiences too. I didn’t start transitioning until I was 33 because of this stigma, and I have similar problems separating reality with this perverted portrayal of transness I grew up with.

    This post makes me feel a bit better and a little less alone. Thank you for taking the time to post it. I love you, stranger on the Internet. I’m happy you’ve found yourself.

  • It includes 13 year olds because puberty blockers are included. No one is giving estrogen to children. If a child experiences gender dysphoria, their parents can have them work with a psychiatrist and their doctor to make sure they delay puberty so the child can keep growing and decide if they want to transition when they approach adulthood.

    Everything else you’ve said is bullshit. Your ignorance is not a free pass to make up facts and spread misinformation.

    Research shows that a lot of gender dysphoria is the result of puberty and medicalizing treatment of it creates a pipeline to further transition including surgeries, while if not treated, the dysphoria often desists after puberty.

    This right here, this is evil. If someone took you at your word here, they may choose to ignore or punish their child if they were experiencing gender dysphoria. I know you have no sources from any respected institution, and the medical community en masse rebuke this line of thinking.

    Edit: Both of the books the original commenter added to try and support their claims are books that posit TERF views that sex is biological and gender either doesn’t exist or is equally biological and cannot change. They dehumanize trans folks and their struggles. They are not medical studies or journals supporting their claims.