Which one. Andy griffith or emergency?
Which one. Andy griffith or emergency?
If one show is proof then my counter argument would be emergency.
I don’t think folks are loathe to the idea their just aren’t jobs that allow for that anymore and if they did they don’t provide an equitable enough deal to make it desireable. If folks got promoted by working hard then folks would value it now but it does not happen. All that wraps into the american dream. Honestly I don’t think the police were valued over firemen or emts.
pretty much the same but very heavily regulated capitalism. This capitalism should not have private land ownership. It should be recognized that the borders of the country are protected by the state and folks are essentially renting it. It should do long term contracts to encourage investment. The state should be involved with anything that all people need. food, housing, utilities, education, healthcare. They don’t need to be the only option but they should provide the minimum needed to everyone to live a healthy life. Excess and things people don’t need can be done by the free market provided there is enough competition. If there is not adequate competition then the state either provides its own option or regulate prices for whatever it is. Also very important that rights are only for physically existing citizens. No rights for corporations or any other logical entities with no physical existence. Taxes should be paid by all in a progressive manner and should be changed if its found individuals or entities are manipulating the rules to not pay them. This should theoretically keep anything from being to big to fail. Lastly tarrifs should be applied based on a metric for how democratic and free and equitable other societies are. If there is small wealth disparity and its a full democracy where people are largely free to do what they want. No tarrifs. non democracies with no freedom and massive wealth disaparity. high tarrifs.
Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
if you got married before 2000 and had a decent job. especially if both did. having kids seemed like a thing to do. past 2000 anyone smart had to contend that the world of their kids adulthood did not seem like it would be great.
I thought at first it was 24 hours and I was like woa man. Sometimes folks have to take a break. But 24 days is long.
yeah and I have to say even nice smokers seem to have no issue with flicking their but when they are done. Anytime I see a smoker hold onto their but when there is not some sort of enforcement I am like. That person is the rare saint.
Funny. For me mosh pitts don’t have association with metal. I married an ozzy fan though.
I remember asking my company if they have official password management software in my job before my last job. They did not. I can’t believe we have all this specific software to be used at the company but they don’t put some time to identify what they want employees to use for this. Funny thing is security teams are such big deals but I think they actually don’t want to get involved in case it does not work out.
abby something
working academic research is awesome. or it would be if it paid adequately.
Honestly whats even the point. It shows that she is losing income and will buy cheaper juice so its advertising cheaper juice brands which she is going to buy anyway. It honestly seems very stupid.
people invest in chinese companies where the state owns half of it.
I have wondered this too. Will it just all become bots talking to bots.
yeah I would do this if it worked over starlink provided it gave as good or better connection.
kinda of. If I see it Im a bit more likely to have it but I tend to prefer oolong or the fermented stuff or orange or the non tea stuff from south america. If im not concerned about caffeine then hibiscus. but after my favs its earl grey all the way and sometimes just because I like saying it.
yeah im just saying one show does not mean anything. heck andy griffith was more a small town show than a cop show. The town was so small that the sherrifs office was one of the few public services in the area. It was more akin to little house on the prarie. I mean going the opposite we have blue bloods, chicago p.d, swat, fbi, the rookie, oncall are all recent cop shows but we also have 911, chicago fire, station 19. I would say cop vs general emergency responder vs hospital/doctor show ratios are not that different today than back when boomers were the main television audience. Those types of shows were always popular structures to run dramas from. Both I would say have about the same on private eye type stuff although there was a period. sometime around the original fantasy island I would say. were there was an unusually large amount of private eye ones for some reason.