I’m bored and want to practice my Rust skills. I am the creator of open-tv. If you have any idea for a linux desktop app, even if it seems quite complex, I will take it.
I’m bored and want to practice my Rust skills. I am the creator of open-tv. If you have any idea for a linux desktop app, even if it seems quite complex, I will take it.
How can there not be a good todo app???
Is it just that there’s no Linux one but there is mobile?
Maybe with Kotlin Multiplatform someone will get an existing mobile one running on Linux as that would be useful.
I can’t imagine it’d be too hard given a todo app doesn’t need a lot of Android specific functionality. I’m in the middle of converting my app to target desktop/ios/android and its been going very well and the tooling is improving rapidly.
That or someone might write a nice one as a starter project as Multiplatform from the start to learn it?
I’m after a thing that can work as a journaling, brainstorming and task managing tool, and I’ve yet to find the thing I’m after.
I used to work in rapid prototyping, we offered our services to the general public, and we’d get the occasional “citizen inventor” off the street with some napkin drawings or a mockup taped together out of cardboard, they’d describe their “invention” to me, and there was nothing I could do to convince them that it wouldn’t work because it would require two solid objects to pass through each other or something else against the laws of kinematics. Your imagination allows you to think about impossible shapes. And that might be what’s happening to me, that I want software that changes what it does to match what I want it to do at the time.
Just saw your edit. I think I got a better idea of what you meant now with what PalmOS had. Such a shame about requiring an account to use the apps that are available. I get why they might do it if you want to share data across devices / platforms, but if you only want it locally and you’re okay with that, they should let you make that choice, especially for desktop apps.
It should also be common or required practice to make note of “Google account required” or something in the app’s description.
I’d greatly appreciate a “requires account” on app stores.
Especially on something like Flathub and especially for apps that can plausibly run locally. Like, I kinda know beforehand I’ll need an account with Discord to use the Discord app, because it’s primarily for communicating with other people. But a todo app? Dafuq does that need the internet for?
So what do you really want when you say journaling your peogess.
Is that something like
Recurring Fitness Run 5k 2 times a week.
As you check it off for number one, it prompts you to leave a note about it? And maybe you can see all your notes by category or chronologically?
Or is the journaling a completely separate thing? I can see how the two might not be done as separate things as you’re really getting into 2 wholly different apps.
As I look through Flathub, maybe KOrganizer is the closest thing to what I’m looking for, although it’s got KDE’s disease of being hideously overcrowded with every possible feature.
I think what I’m after is somewhere between KOrganizer and RedNotebook. I currently use RedNotebook to keep my journal, which in my case takes the form of talking about my day, what I did, what I’m thinking, and sometimes what I’m planning. It has no todo list functionality, but I can use it as a sort of note to self thing, it has a search function that allows me to easily look back. I almost always have it open and running on my computer.
imagine RedNotebook, but with some todo and checklist functionality so that I get today’s page, there’s a blank page for a journal entry so I can record what I did today, and maybe a separate side pane for daily tasks, maybe several panes stacked vertically for “regularly scheduled” where daily stuff like “change cat’s water dish” or weekly stuff like “garbage day” or monthly stuff like “water bill due” could pop up, and it would serve not only as a reminder to do those things, but a record of having done them. And maybe another pane for ongoing stuff, like…say I want to list all the things I want to build in the wood shop this summer; this might not be time based but just a running checklist. It would be kind of cool to be able to look back at that and see when things were added, checked off, or removed.
Lifeograph might be designed for this but 1. damn if I can figure out how it works and 2. it won’t stop shining bright white rectangles at me.