This is a serious question, mostly addressed to the adult women among us but also to anyone else who has a stake in the matter.

What did your father do for you/not do for you, that you needed?

Context: I have recently become a father to a daughter, with a mother whose father was not around when she was growing up. I won’t bore you all with the details but our daughter is here now and I am realising that I’m the only one in our little family who has really had a father before. But I have never been a girl. And I know that as a boy, my relationships with my mother and father were massively influential and powerful but at the same time radically different to each other. People say that daughters and fathers have a unique relationship too.

Question: What was your father to you? What matters the most when it comes to a father making his daughter loved, safe, confident and free? To live a good life as an adult?

I’d like this to be a mature, personal and real discussion about daughters and fathers, rather than a political thing, so I humbly ask to please speak from the heart and not the head on this one :)

Thank you

P.S Apologies if this question is badly written or conceived; I haven’t been getting enough sleep! It is what it is!

    4 months ago

    You’ll be the template for “man” so you need to be the man you want your daughter to have in her life. Important things like handling strong emotions, never overpowering her with your strength, and that kind of thing.

    4 months ago

    By asking this question you’re already ahead.

    Be your genuine self. Share your wisdom. Love your child.

    4 months ago

    I had an excellent father. He wasn’t perfect, but his imperfections and occasional impatience made him more human and relatable. Don’t pretend to be perfect - let her know that everyone makes mistakes not just by saying it, but by showing them yours. Our world has become better for women to live in, but there still is a silent pressure on women to be flawless. Physically, emotionally, academically, professionally - we are not supposed to show weakness if we are to be taken seriously. Show her it’s ok to be imperfect, this will be even more meaningful coming from a male role model.

    And I’ll echo what others have said - listen to her. Even if it’s stupid ramblings about her favorite band or what a classmate did or any number of things you really do not care about. When she feels heard on the little things she will know she has a voice in the big things.

    Lastly, be honest with her about the world not being fair. This was something my dad maybe could have done better. I was supported and told I can do anything a man can do, but I wish I would have known a little sooner what societal obstacles I was actually going to face. You don’t have to make it sound ok or even acceptable, but all girls should know what they’re up against so they can be prepared to face it head on.

    4 months ago

    My dad told me to eat salads and lose weight when I was a little kid. I will never forget. Please don’t shame her, weight and appearances are so touchy but criticizing every bite I ate only fucked me up. I was chubby, I still consider myself the same proportional level of chubby as when I was a kid. I have yoyo dieted my whole life and when I see him I still just push food around my plate.

    The one great thing I remember about my childhood was driving long distances the two of us. He would often need to drive a few hours out of town to pick stuff up for work, and I would sit in the passengers seat with one of those huge map books and I would navigate us there. It was a ton of fun just doing mini road trips once or twice a month.

    I also went to conventions related to his profession, the topic was boring but conventions of any type inevitably have loads of candy dishes. Just doing things together the two of us felt special.

    • Churbleyimyam@lemm.eeOP
      4 months ago

      I’m sorry that your dad said those things about food and weight and it caused that for you. I’m also really grateful for the advice and happy that you had sweet times together too. It’s really cool that he took you with him for hose trips.

    4 months ago

    My dad never spent time with me because we didn’t share hobbies, I tried desperately as a kid to get into what he liked, but he never tried to get into what I liked. My mom knew the names of the kids on Barney, what snacks cheered me up, or what friends I had in school, my dad also lived in the house.

    As adults we’ve found common ground in politics and TV, and we have a relationship now, but we’d have a much better relationship if he’d tried to hang out with me back then.

    So I guess my advice is just hang out with her, whatever form that takes. Time is so important.

    4 months ago

    What everyone else has said but - apologize when you’re wrong. Tell your children that you were wrong, why you acted or said what you did, and how you will try to do better next time. Set the example that everyone is wrong, that it’s more important to make it right than be perfect

    4 months ago

    This thread already has so much great advice that it made me a bit teary eyed reading it. I don’t know if I can contribute much but I’ll try.

    • 90% of parenting is just showing up. Your physical, mental, and emotional presents will mean far more to them than anything else. That’s what will make them feel valued and loved.
    • Fuck gender norms. Regardless of if your child wants to learn to sew, fix engines, or both, embrace it, encourage them, and be there with them every step of the way.
    • They don’t really have any perspective on things so small things to you are huge things to them. Don’t just dismiss their feelings.
    • like everyone else said, listen to them. Like really listen every time.
    • Don’t over think it. If you’re asking these questions, your head and heart are already in the right place. Trust yourself.
      4 months ago

      Yeah, last point is very true. I can already tell this girl is gonna have a good father regardless if he applies anything from this thread or not, given he cares enough and has the humility to ask.

        4 months ago

        I totally agree. It makes me so happy to see this new generation that’s completely redefining what fatherhood looks like.

    • Churbleyimyam@lemm.eeOP
      4 months ago

      Thanks so much for your comment - it’s given me confidence, compassion and some peace too :) It’s taken me nearly a week to read everyone’s replies and over that time it has made me feel quite emotional too. We all have so much love and goodness that we want to make happen the world. I’m eally glad I made this post.

      4 months ago

      I’m going to reply to OP directly, but your point on really listening is huge. My SO shared an article that, while I don’t have access to share it, I’m gonna copypaste it to OP because I think every parent needs to read it. Thank you for bringing it up!

    4 months ago

    I apologize but this will be kind of dark. As a father I know you are going to be desperate to protect her, but don’t wax poetic about dealing violence to anyone who would do her wrong. For example, don’t talk about beating her current boyfriend/girlfriend if they cross her. Girls are going to have shitty relationships because that’s a part of growing up. Don’t make her think talking to you about them is the nuclear option when she’s still trying to figure out what is acceptable and her boundaries. If she thinks you’ll go beat the shit out of any one who looks at her funny, she might not come to you with her problems until she is willing to accept her dad going to prison for a long time. Everyone is right about listening to her, but make sure she that she knows that you can be trusted. Listen, accept her decisions, work with her, and not to fly off of the handle. Best of luck new father, since you’re asking the right questions I think you are going to be fine.

      4 months ago

      Thank you for mentioning this. I think it’s really important and often overlooked because it’s shrugged off as “dads will be dads” behavior.

        4 months ago

        I am really happy that people are willing to consider how toxic that aggression is. It’s so engrained in our culture that it’s considered normal when a father threatens to have his gun out when first meeting his daughter’s partner. Nobody really thinks about the effects of this normalized violence.

    4 months ago

    Stand up to other men when they say or do shitty things. My dad was mostly a pretty good feminist and advocate and I know he believed I could do just about anything I set my mind to, but there were times when family members would say some really crappy things and he just kind of stood by for the sake of keeping the peace. I never shut my mouth in those instances, but it would’ve meant a lot if my dad had spoken up. I’m not saying it has to be a whole fight or anything, but even saying, “Hey, not cool,” helps. It shows that your support isn’t just lip service.

    4 months ago

    Did his share of the housework. My dad didn’t know how to cook well, but you bet your butt he did laundry, vacuumed, dusted, washed dishes, whatever was needed around the house he did it. And he did cook at least once a week, although it was always stuff like grilled cheese or pancakes.

    Growing up in a household where both parents put in equal effort at home really set up the expectation for me that this is how relationships work.

    My dad was also very loving and openly affectionate to us all. He would give us hugs, tell us he loved us and how proud of us he is, even to the point of tearing up sometimes. I love that about him and see it as an admirable quality in men.

    Girls learn what to expect from men based on what they see their fathers do. Be kind, gentle, and respect your daughter and that’s the kind of men she’ll surround herself with.

    4 months ago

    My dad was a wonderful man with a great heart, but I think in this conversation, it’s more productive to speak of his downfalls. He died when I was 15, and I was very close to him until then. He was so often smiling, and giving, and generous, and caring to everyone and anyone he met. But one of the most impactful things I remember is that he was severely depressed in the last 5 years of his life. As a child, I didn’t know what to do about it. Shit, as an adult, I wouldn’t know what to do.

    If you feel depression creeping up, for the sake of your daughter - for the sake of your family - get help.

    I miss my dad so much, and I hate that the dominating memories I have of him are when he was max depressed, or when he was in a coma.

    4 months ago

    Actually being there and staying involved is important. My biodad was a complete POS until last year. My mom was essentially a single mother my whole life because my biodad was never around. He was a really good father for the first two years of my life, then he just kinda stopped giving a shit. I recommend that you don’t do that. He used to manipulate tf out of me emotionally and would make so many false promises. His mental health was fucked and he was an alcoholic for a long time.

    I cut ties entirely with him and a few years after that, he reached out to my mom to see if we could talk. He had finally gotten his shit together. He’s on his meds and doesn’t drink like he used to. I don’t see the man as a father, however. I see him as a friend. We text almost daily, but he knows that I don’t consider him a father-figure and acknowledges it and all of his wrongdoings. He was only 21 years too late, but that’s better than never.

    He is part of the reason I have a very hard time trusting people. He had let me down countless times in my life and each time just broke me. I just couldn’t not get my hopes up at his false promises. He was so good at sounding genuine. Now that he’s sober and on his meds, I’ve learned that his truly genuine tone and words are far different than the ones he used when he was still a drunk.

    Anyway, I highly recommend you don’t do any of the shit my biodad did. Being hella bitter about your relationship with your father sucks.

    4 months ago

    My wife’s father is still peddling that toxic masculinity bullshit on his grandson, saying…to our 1-year-old… To toughen it up.

    My wife about lost it on him. Now that was to our son but for our daughter it would be no different and it’s a reflection of her childhood.

    Being emotionally unattached, uncomfortable with crying, and being incapable saying sorry and admitting you’re wrong are simply massive. Kids are kids but they have a keen sense of justice and parents should empower them to stand up for themselves and be proud of them for exposing you as a hypocrite… Not beat them with a belt…

    And for goodness sake, play with your kid. She wants to play dolls? Dress you up? Paint your nails? Tea time? By god you do it! If she wants to play with army men (they make army gals, too), go for it!

    4 months ago

    Everyone says ‘listen’ but I would suggest one way to act on that advice. This is more of a general parenting advice for small kids (or all kids?).

    Let them choose what to do. If their interested in soccer, give that a try. If they want to learn about ants, let them observe, guide them through the thoughts.

    Play is dictated by their interests, not your expectations or dreams. This way there is much less struggle, save for the times you really need, and learning and play get tied together.