this week i am reading When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm and i think i can speak with confidence when i say that i hope every McKinsey consultant chokes on a grape

    5 months ago

    Kinda stressful. I’ve been in the same place for 13 years, they’re selling the house out from under me, I have to move in June, and I haven’t found anything yet. My income is limited and I have allergies, which both limit my options pretty significantly.

    I’m on a bunch of wait lists for low income housing and I’m following all the leads I can, but it’s getting close and I’m getting worried.

    I have a tabletop rpg on the way, but in the mean time I’m getting by driving a cab the days I can manage. It’s precarious. I have a lot of tech hobbyist background, but no paper or connections to get me out the gate.

    I honestly don’t know what to do. Being homeless at 17 was one thing. It’d be a little different coming up on 40. I really don’t want to end up living in my car.

    5 months ago

    Great, I started my job and it’s going well, things with my girlfriend are going well, no complaints really.

  • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
    5 months ago

    My partner and I have agreed to an amicable separation. It sucks, but I’m also having the realization just how much I’ve fought myself over them. How much longer I’ve been denying my own truth to try and live theirs.

    So, kinda a mixed bag so far! Trying to keep my head up, reminding myself that this is my opportunity. I’ve been wanting to actually live my life as myself. Now, the only thing really stopping me is myself, and feeling that, feeling like I’ve finally hit the point to telling myself “No, I’m done trying to hide this from everyone offline”, has been rather personally empowering.

    5 months ago

    I came out to my mom, which went about as well as it could’ve given she has a terminal case of way too much Fox News. She’s now taking it upon herself to more-or-less concern troll about my mental health which is funny. I’m still hoping it’ll turn out well with her, but I’m prepared for the worst. 🤷

  • autumn (she/they)
    5 months ago

    probably going to go watch a herding trial this weekend, so that’ll be fun!

    i spent last weekend pet sitting which was okay. i roughhoused with the dog a bit too much and she accidentally bit my hand instead of the toy. no broken skin but it’s pretty bruised in a weird spot, so that’s annoying.

    echo (border collie) did her first full set of six straight weaves! i’ve been training her with the channel method, and it’s awesome to watch her work through what i want. such a smart cookie.

    5 months ago

    Some really bad stuff happened again but it doesn’t seem to be repeating soon so hopefully the rest of the week will be fine. I still can’t get my PC repaired though and it’s quite a problem because it’s basically the only source of entertainment in my current situation and health condition. And my mental health in general is just getting more and more unstable. At this point I’m kinda waiting for a complete meltdown because then I won’t care about anything and maybe will finally get some good rest (I can’t even sleep properly now)

    5 months ago

    It’s been up and down. Moment-to-moment it kinda sucks, because my anxiety is through the roof and I can’t keep a gym routine or take care of myself. I feel like I’m slacking at work because of it.

    But big picture? It’s actually amazing. After years of struggling to find healthcare, my friend is finally starting HRT, and I’m so proud of him for not giving up. I’m starting adderall tomorrow and praying to whoever listens that it does something. I’m in my 30s with less than a high school education and if I could focus for the first time in my life, maybe I could get a degree and get out of retail.

    EDIT: I just remembered that I smoked weed at the beginning of the month. I’m probably going to fail my drug test and things won’t get better.

      5 months ago

      Like 5yrs ago, I took a drug test for a new job. A few days before they called me, offering me said job, I had taken a gummy or two. Because I didn’t think I was going to get the job. They scheduled me for the drug test, but I pushed it out as far as I could, like 3 weeks, and I passed. Now it’s not like I was consuming THC regularly. It’d probably been months since the last time I’d consumed any in any form. I don’t know what your habit is like, but if you’re in a similar situation, you might be OK.

      And even if they do detect it, that could be a false positive. It happens. Then they make you take another, right? Maybe push that out a little, too, to give your body more a little more time to get rid of it.

        5 months ago

        Oh, thank you! Yeah for some reason re-taking the test never occurred to me. I guess I just thought, I don’t know, everything would fade to black and credits would start rolling.

        The trial dose they gave me improved my job dramatically, so I’m going to do everything I can to get a refill.

    5 months ago

    It’s so far a bland week. Not amazing, but not bad either so I cannot complain.

    A positive thing is that my family was able to save $40 a month on our internet plan. So that’s cool.

    I really want to do something creative, but I’m in a bit of a creative rut at the moment. I’m sure I’ll figure something out. It’s a funny issue to have

    5 months ago

    The long story short:
    Fell in love with somebody, she rejected me, but we ended up becoming very close friends anyway. Now she’s going through a medical crisis and has been leaning on me a lot to get through it emotionally. Besides emotional support, I’ve been reminding her that even as friends I still love her, in fact a lot more than before. Hearing that she says has cheered her up a lot and really helped.
    I don’t take it her answer will change given her reasons for rejecting me, but I’ve come to realize I don’t need it to as much as I thought I did. It’s enough for me that my love for her makes her happy. That’s all I need.

    So I’d say in spite of everything seeming like it should be going wrong, I’m having a great week, and I’m going to try to keep having good weeks so she can rely on me to help her through whatever she needs.

    5 months ago

    Pretty damn bad. Everything feels so hopeless. Things just keep piling on and getting worse. Now I won’t have phone/Internet service to help me talk to friends and help distract myself from my disabilities/health issues/chronic pain/life issues etc which is extra sucky since I’m pretty much bedbound. So I won’t have a connection to the outside world anymore. And I still haven’t figured out how to help my poor kitty and I hate that she’s suffering and I’m too non-functioning and broke to do anything about it. I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know why I’m posting this and it probably makes no sense but I’m trying not to dump my issues on my poor friends. So I guess I’m screaming into the void, I dunno. I’m sorry. I hate myself lol

  • FIash Mob
    5 months ago

    It’s a hard one.

    I’m no longer adapted to in-office work, so doing a two-day stretch wore me out, and I have many more meetings than usual this week.

    BUT, tomorrow’s Friday.

    5 months ago

    It’s been a very long week. I’m glad it’s almost over, and I’ll have two rest days until next week starts. My depression got slightly worse due to someone unexpected coming back into my life, someone I thought I’d never talk to or hear from again. I was getting accustomed to no longer having this person around, and I realised I was doing much better without them. My anxiety was under control; I was making more gains in the gym than ever, girls(and guys!) started paying more attention to me whenever I went out, and I was finally trying out new hobbies!

    Then, out of nowhere, four weeks ago or so, I got a message on my WhatsApp. Despite being in a much better place now, I engaged with them. I knew it was a bad idea from the get-go, but part of me was still clinging to the past, I suppose. Finally, I did what I should’ve done aeons ago: I closed our communication channels yesterday when they inevitably brought more drama into my life that I didn’t need. We’ve known each other for 22 years, and part of me will sorely miss them, but I think I’m much better off without them.

    I’ve been training a lot and got into natural bodybuilding over the past few months. I finally found a coach that seems pretty good, and I’m hoping we can start training after the summer once I’m back from my parents’ place. Sadly, all of this has messed up my recovery as it has substantially increased my stress levels. Hopefully, it’ll all be back on track soon. Being an HSP makes this situation harder, but I think I’m better equipped now than ever. It’s only up from here! (I hope!)

    Sorry for the wall of text. It’s been a very long week, and I suppose I needed to vent somewhere.