Stanley Kubrick, the relentless perfectionist who directed some of cinema’s greatest classics, was so sensitive to criticism that, in 1970, he threatened legal action to block publication of a book which dared to discuss flaws in his films.

The director of Spartacus and 2001: A Space Odyssey, warned the book’s author and publisher that he would fight “tooth and nail” and “use every legal means at his disposal” to prevent its publication – and he did.

Now, 25 years after his death, the book Kubrick did not want anyone to read is being published, more than half a century late.

The Magic Eye: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick by Neil Hornick now has three prefaces reflecting its subject’s ruthlessness in trying to block publication and control his image.

Hornick, now 84, from London, said Kubrick’s legal threats had come as a shock: “I regard it as a painful episode.”

    5 months ago


    EDITED TO ADD that I have deleted my original comment because I will not knowingly give pedophile apologists a springboard to launch their twisted defense of him.

    I should note that all I did was quote from Soon-Yi’s wikipedia page. This asshole got caught spreading lies and is now acting out instead of taking responsibility.

      5 months ago

      I should note that all I did was quote from Soon-Yi’s wikipedia page.

      Was that before or after you downvoted all my comments on other threads you could reach?

      I spread no lies; I have screenshots of everything, including your massive spray of angry frustrated downvotes. I also have my entire comment history to demonstrate my character, even though you’ve only personally just started with it.

      But the again, I’m no pedophile apologist feeling viscerally threatened because someone calls out what kiddie diddlers do in the shadows.

      Clicky, clicky, downvote here, downvote there. Did it make you feel better?

      God that is funny. I consider it a badge of honor that I pissed you off enough for you to downvote two full pages of my comment history. What, you thought downvotes are super sekrit because you’re on and they’re hidden here? Lol. Best get to work, though, because you have over 1200 more of my comments to downvote before I will really feel it.

      Best get busy. I might even post more before this day is through.

      EDITED TO ADD Imgur link: