I know its easier than ever to dunk on how terrible reddit has gotten, but honestly? What is this? How is is safer to deliver this content to kids viewing reddit on a tablet or PC or in the app? Why even create the bs excuse?
They could just have easily told the truth an displayed a message like “Content is limited. Open in the app to view.” It’s still a jerk move, but at a minimum its honest.
Do you also support “just say no to drugs” and abstinence only sex ed? Screens, as a concept, are not literally the devil. It’s unmonitored and unlimited screen time that’s the issue.
No need to be an asshole and no need to presume I’m stupid. My kids dont have any tablet, we monitor screen/tv time and they play with my phone from time to time. That’s enough for at least until they’re 12. Every recent study shows that kids spend way too much time staring at screen… It should be less then one hour a day, we keep it under two. I teach to young adult and this generation is litteraly addicted to their phone. Most have a 6 minutes attention spam and get anxious if they can’t look at their phone for more then 10 minutes. Lot’s of my friends kids have their own device and the parents keeps fighting with them over screen time. You do what you want, I’ll keep my way.
I never said that. Sounds like you’re projecting.
Of course. And I’m not saying you’re a asshole, just that you sound like one.
I can’t believe this even has to be stated, but you should not be giving drugs to your children, you concaveman.
I think kids should not be doing drugs, period
I draw the line at needle drugs for kids
Um yeah, just say no to drugs. Marijuana is fine but it’s never made anyone more productive when used recreationally. Cigarettes are horrible for you, alcohol is dangerous, and any more hardcore drugs can be life-ruining.
And when talking about kids, yeah, they should avoid having sex until they’re like 17 or 18. When they’re basically adults. Nobody is telling 14 year olds that it’s okay to have sex, because at that age, it’s likely coerced. And especially not those who are the subject of “best tablets for kids.”
I hope you aren’t letting your kids smoke Marijuana. That is really, really bad if you are.
As far as tablets go you just need to be careful of how and when they are used. It also depends on the age of the child. They best answer is almost always education.