Also would be very interested to hear from those who were involuntarily treated themselves

        5 months ago

        I don’t understand. Is that a book and “dhcmrlchtdj[underscore][underscore]” represents something from the book?

        The reason I ask is it sounds like a random bunch of letters to me. Makes me think troll account. Makes me think super serious topic being discussed on a playful whim to map us out culturally.

        Sorry if I’m seeing this wrong. It’s just such a heavy topic I’d rather know I’m interacting with a real person.

        Committing a person is an extremely serious action which does violate their rights. Much like conscripting soldiers into a war, or killing an innocent person to save five innocent people, it’s a human rights violation that shouldn’t be discussed lightly and should only be considered when there is literally no other option.

        So far it sounds like your target “thinks he’s being targeted”. Which he is, by us in this very thread. So aside from having a healthy intuition about when he’s in danger, what’s the mental health situation that warrants violating this person’s rights for his own safety or others’?

        Sorry if this comes across as overly hostile. That’s not my intention. I’ve just seen too many people’s lives ruined by being involuntarily committed. And I don’t like discussing such drastic moral hazards with a username that looks like random letters followed by some underscores.

          5 months ago

          You’re being really critical here for no good reason, it almost feels like you’re the one with a troll account.

          You could clear up your confusion about the username by a quick Google search. The library of babel is a story Jorge Louis Borges, about a vast library that contains every possible combination of letters and words, and if you Google “dhcmrlchtdj,” you can see that it’s one combination of letters that he specifically calls out to illustrate that point.

          And like you said, an involuntary commitment is a serious issue to contemplate and a sensitive topic for a lot of people, I think it’s pretty understandable that someone may not want to share a lot of details about what their friend is going through.