This looks right in my price range for my next upgrade. I want a core xy, I’ve been on bed slingers, so this looks good.
Important information needs no excessive words. See the picture. 👇 So, about the early bird price for SV08… ❓ 👉
Oooh… now the question is… build a voron, or wait for the Sv08 to become available…
Are you in it to tinker with the printer and go through the build or are you in it to print things? For the former, go Voron. For the later, this seems like a good option. My 2.4 build was easily 40+ hours including figuring out what to print, assembly, wiring, etc. That said, if you want to fiddle Voron is great. There are tons and tons of user mods, an active community (discord and Voron design forums), etc. You’ll learn a ton building a printer from a ton of loose parts.
Amazing how that Saturday I set aside to build a Voron2 turned into a weeklong adventure. Then the mods, troubleshooting of mods, ERCF, and building of a Trident consumed so much more time. I guess that is just Voron Life.
It took me over 15 days to build my self-sourced V2.4.
I had crimping PTSD for a while.
Getting a wire harness so I didn’t have to crimp all the wires myself is the main reason I ordered a kit instead of self-sourcing.
Tempted to do both. As much as I hated tinkering/fixing/breaking my E3V2 and the absolute bliss of my Bambu, the larger form factor, and having two of them is… going to kill my wallet.
I haven’t needed to tinker with my Voron much, but I am a fiddler. Having a very capable baseline motivated me to put in the effort to go from a 90% printer to a 95% printer. Even without fiddling, it’s been a ton better than my old i3 clone ever was in terms of quality, speed, and reliability.
I’ve only had one thing I had to fix in over 1,000 print hours and that was a wire break due to me running some ABS insulated wire in the cable chains.
Oh, we all need to tinker…