Breezy Weather is a free and open-source Android weather app, forked from Geometric Weather, adding new features, sources, modernizing code, fixing bugs, updating dependencies for security reasons, etc., while keep having a smooth user and developer experience in mind.
Weather data
- Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days
- Temperature
- Air quality
- Wind
- UV index
- Precipitation
- Feels like temperature
- Hourly forecasts
- Humidity / Dew point
- Pressure
- Cloud cover
- Visibility
- Precipitation in the next hour
- Air quality
- Pollen & Mold
- Ephemeris (Sun & Moon)
- Severe weather and precipitation alerts
- Real-time weather conditions
- Temperature
- Feels like
- Wind
- UV index
- Humidity
- Dew point
- Atmospheric pressure
- Visibility
- Cloud cover
- Ceiling
- Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days
Multiple weather sources
Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information
Live wallpaper
Custom icon packs
- Geometric Weather icon packs
- Chronus Weather icon packs
Automatic dark mode
Looking for radar? Check out this document
Free and Open Source
- No proprietary blobs/dependencies (versions 5.0.0-alpha and later)
- Releases generated by GitHub actions, guaranteeing it matches the source code
- Fully works with Open-Meteo (FOSS source)
- No personal data collected by the app (link to app privacy policy)
- Multiple sources are available, with links to their privacy policies for transparency
- Current location is optional and not added by default
- If using current location, an IP location service can be used instead of GPS to send less accurate coordinates to weather source
- No trackers/automatic crash reporters
Note: If the link isn’t working for you or if you can’t find the app, update the default F-Droid repository in your F-Droid client.
I’m trying it. This was the kick in the ass I needed to finally go ahead and get F Droid. Anything else I should be getting from there? I’ve heard of some good apps through it but idk what a sorta “standard” user might be interested in.
Firstly, check if certain apps you use from Google Play are on there too. Some are, like Bitwarden or Wikipedia or Jellyfin, are on fdroid too without Google’s bullshit. Some even have functionality they’re not allowed to have in the Play store.
After that, the Fossify suite of simple apps are very basic, no bullshit, non-Google system apps. Gallery in particular is popular.
If you like Sid Meiers Civilization, search for Unciv.
NewPipe for ad-free YouTube.
TrackerControl will let you block ads system wide. It’s kinda touchy and takes some finagling, though.
To be fair, there are also some features that also rely on Google’s builds. For example, Bitwarden’s “Log in with Device” only works on the Google Play version.
Not seeing bitwarden on fdroid
It’s not in the official F-droid repo
Seconding Fossify Gallery, IIRC it’s a fork of the superb Simple Gallery, prior to it being sold to some dodgy data gathering company. It’s great.
What sort of finagling are we talking? Also, I’ve been using AdAway for the past few weeks with mixed results. Could these tools be used in tandem or is that just silly?
Get droidify, I made the switch about 2years ago.
Heliboard (keyboard) just released on F-Droid. (Its the continuation of Openboard which is no longer maintained.)
Netgaurd - blocks apps from acessing WiFi or cell. Great for crippling spyware and getting misc apps with background updates to be WiFi only.
I use K-9 Mail for email. Eventually its going to be taken over by Thunderbird to become their long over due mobile client.
I’ve been checking F-droid first for miscilanous utilities I need, such as a .txt editor or PDF viewer.
There’s tons to choose from, some that are also found in the Play Store (often with Google proprietary libraries or tracking removed). I would recommend:
Tubular is a Newpipe fork with Sponsorblock.
Thanks for the tip! There was also NewPipe with SponsorBlock but I can’t find it anymore. Do you know if they’re related?
The dev discontinued Newpipe x sponsorblock and started a new project called Tubular.
Maybe I’m stupid, but I can’t get glide typing to work. I don’t see it in the settings for heliboard.
Also, is there any reason to switch to newpipe if ReVanced is serving me well?
Edit: Nevermind, I got glide typing to work! That took some digging. If anybody else has trouble, download this and go to heliboard settings, advanced, and go to the bottom where you can load in a gesture library, which is what I linked to.
I guess for most people not, but there can be some:
A reason to not switch would be… the interface is not very ptetty
F-Droid also has amazing Emulators like Dolphin, RetroArch and Lemuroid.
The IzzyOnDroid repository also has amazing apps, for example:
I’d recommend just taking an hour or so to scroll through all of the recently updated apps, I found a ton of super cool small “utility apps” that way.