A federal judge has ruled that a southern Oregon city can’t limit a local church’s homeless meal services.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Clarke found that an ordinance passed by the small city of Brookings, on the southern Oregon coast, violated the religious freedom rights of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, KGW reported. He issued his opinion on Wednesday.

The 2021 ordinance limited the church’s homeless meal services to two days a week, and required a permit to serve free food in residential areas. It was passed in response to resident complaints.

The church sued the city in 2022, saying the ordinance violated its right to freely practice religion.

  • My FIL joined a church that does a weekly food bank which is awesome. The church is ultra bigoted, misogynistic, racist, and anti queer however. Religious people are fucking weird man. I assume the food bank is some stairway to heaven shit for them.

    Recent conversation; FIL bitching unprompted about the “crisis” at the border and all the vile shit his real god donald has been spewing. I asked if he served hispanic folk @ the food bank. He blue screened, said he assumed they werent illegals. I asked how he could tell. Blue screened again. Dude is the definition of dunning/krueger.