Things are becoming more depressing every day and I can’t afford for professionals and don’t want to jump to the last resort or drugs. Is there a medicine that can make me happy if I take it in proper doses and does not require a doctor’s prescription?

    6 months ago

    Vitamin D3 is a good idea, generally the recommendation is 1000 IU a day. Especially now after the winter (assuming you’re in the Northern hemisphere) your vitamin D storage is probably depleted (the body needs a certain amount of UV radiation on the skin to produce vitamin D.

    Regular exercise has been proven to help against depression and I think it’s probably the best and most important thing you can do. While helping your depression it will also help your general health and fitness.

    Eat well: lots and lots of veggies, legumes and whole grain products. If unhealthy food makes you happy, don’t cut it from your diet completely. Allow yourself to eat sweets etc every once in a while and in moderation, but try to have a very healthy diet as a basis.

    These things are probably hard to implement when you’re depressed in the first place but I guarantee you they’ll help and become easier as you go if you consistently stick to them. It takes about 66 days on average to build new habits. So if you manage to stick to it for about 2-3 months, it will become a lot easier.

    Good luck!

    6 months ago

    I know it sounds obvious but walking or any light cardio will do wonders for your mood. Pilates also.

      6 months ago

      It’s not universal though. I’ve been regularly doing 60-minute cardio workouts for the last 10 years or so. Not once did I experience the “runner’s high”. I’m pretty sure I’m an outlier though.

        6 months ago

        It sounds like you might just be too fit for that to work. I used to do 14 hours of (recreational) dance a week and I would only really get a runners high when I went to a weekend long dance event and was doing cardio for at least 6+ hours.

        Or it’s not universal, who knows.

          6 months ago

          Not OP, but that’s a nope from me. I’ve been trying to break into up jogging, so I’m nowhere near “too fit”. Not getting that runner’s high during or after any of these sessions. I mostly just feel like I’m dying both during and afterward. Any small positive effect I get from it is being able to check off the boxes in the app I’m using lol.

            6 months ago

            Hehe, what gives me a “high” after a workout is looking at the recording of my heart rate and seeing the peaks and valleys. I do HIIT so there’s a lot of them.

  • Call me Lenny/
    6 months ago

    If you rule out doctor’s medicine, you’d without a doubt be talking about someone or something to console in. The last time you were happy, what were you doing?

    6 months ago

    If hard or traditional exercise is a problem motivation-wise or physically, you might want to try something like Pokémon Go. PG uses scammy mobile game tactics, which is normally bad, but it does help with motivation. You can also try ingress (which I can’t speak to), orna (does not use scammy tactics, and is better from a privacy standpoint, but is easier to put down as a result), or something similar. Walking outside is pretty low impact and a good way to get vitamin D. I have a much easier time setting off with a couple of bottles of water, some coffee, and a battery pack for a several hour long walk or just getting out of bed and going for a walk around the block if I know I’ll get something out of it in the short term as well.

    6 months ago

    Medicine is drugs.

    Try 5-HTP as a supplement if you believe you have low serotonin levels for some reason. It’s a precursor to Serotonin so if there is a chemical reason your body is producing insufficient amounts then it can help, alongside L-Tyrosine which is the same thing but for dopamine. CBD supplements, if actually legitimately containing CBD can have some anxiolytic properties.

    Otherwise everything else is illegal.

    Sorry honey, but under capitalism you’re supposed to buy worthless shit to stave off the alienation and misery and uhh like drugs are bad m’kay. Go get into K-Pop or “Gadgets” instead, heard there’s some hot spicy influencer drama in these! Lotta ads to watch! And remember: Don’t think, just buy product and get excited for the next product.

    You might consider an MDMA, DMT or LSD trip to figure out why you’re unhappy.

    Do not buy drugs on the street, they are shit quality for shitty prices, you will get ripped off. Don’t buy from DNMs overseas, customs do not fuck around. In UK/West EU order to home as normal, in US order to non-home mailboxes, in East EU order to dead drops. Make sure to research how to stay safe, what markets to use, how to get Monero and how to use PGP and maybe Tails depending on OpSec risk appetite, I think Dread (ddg it with tor!) has a few guides for this.

    Go for lower dosages and make sure to get powder for MDMA, it should be light brown in colour. Test it! MDMA is part stim, part empathogen.

    For DMT: get a proper high end vape tank DMT vape with a 510 off a respected seller on a DNM and buy a proper mod - don’t buy the crappy eGO style tanks/“carts”. DMT is a pure psych, very shroom-esque but without the shroom common side effects like diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting and lasts only 15 mins.

    For LSD make sure to take some time off work or do it when you won’t be disturbed in general, preferably for at least 48 hours, as a trip can last 12-16. I’d go for 100ug - tabs are often under dosed so go if brave go for 120ug, don’t buy tabs with overly elaborate art as that can be a sign that more effort went into the marketing than anything else, but make sure to get a test kit to make sure it’s not NBOME, that drug is nice as well but it’s not LSD and vendors don’t dose it properly which can kill you.

    Other than psychs: Amphetamine and/or nicotine will make you happy generally, but unless you have ADHD the effect may be too negligible to be worth it.

    If your source of unhappiness is anxiety then you can take an anxiolytic like a benzodiazepine. Do not do that.

    There’s also Alcohol and Opioids but these barely do anything honestly when it comes to actual happiness. I would not do THC in an unhappy state, it’s like 75% anxiety and hunger.

    Or you can try therapy, but that shit never worked for me, turns out the world is just shit and my life was shit as a result, taking drugs helped/helps me cope with that and I try to improve my material circumstances as much as possible, I’ve never really had mental health issues though I just had shit mental health due to my material conditions so YMMV and GL, the first step to fixing an issue is identifying there is an issue. Try to identify what the issue is next.

      6 months ago

      Lot of jargon in this that most of us don’t understand. Dnm? Ddg? Can you explain it more clearly for us general admission ticket holders?

      Also, thoughts on shrooms?

    • 3amguy@lemmy.mlOP
      6 months ago

      You might consider an MDMA, DMT or LSD trip to figure out why you’re unhappy.

      No, I don’t want to get into drugs. I know things are hard for me but it will only make things work. Some comments here told me the same, recommending mushrooms, and other recreational drugs but I know it will only make things worse.

      One day other people having the same problems as me will find this thread and I don’t want them to take the wrong way.

      Try 5-HTP as a supplement if you believe you have low serotonin levels for some reason.

      I will find out what this is. Thanks for your comment.

    6 months ago

    I dunno about drugs, if you’re in the UK I can maybe signpost to some affordable counselling options. Relationships are a good place to get happy chemicals

        6 months ago

        Wish you all the best then.

        Do checkout options for social and support groups, it only takes one good person to make a difference in our lives

    6 months ago

    Medicine won’t really help if you’re feeling depressed due to external factors. People who feel depressed because of their life situation typically benefit more from therapy both to learn how to cope more effectively and for guidance/support on making life changes. Look for sliding scales or low/no-cost therapy options in your area

    6 months ago

    There are lots of medicines that can help, but none of them should be taken without working with professionals.

    Please be careful pf taking any medical advice from strangers on the internet that isn’t “you need to talk with a licensed professional.”

    Even suggesting diet and exercise and vitamin D can be harmful advice under the wrong circumstances.

      6 months ago

      Big one for me too. I notice a massive downturn in my mood when I haven’t managed to stick to my exercises.

      Exercise = endorphins = happy

      It’s works for me and makes sense that it it how our bodies have evolved to work.

  • TGhost [She/Her]
    6 months ago

    I would say weed but im not sure thats helping, on contrary.

    I want to say, try taking the sun, just go seat in a park with chill music or a book.

    If you are an overthinker, try to focus only on things that you can change or have an impact.
    If you cant, stop to think about it, its either “to late”, or useless.
    Ruminations are not good.

    Im really bad on theses advices, but when i do that, thats working.
    My feelings often drives me,

    Identify the bad feeling, understand it, accept it, embrasse it (even external factors that you cant change), and go next.
    Life is a slut in a way yeah, but you can be “the slut” too,