While Eva Burch spoke on the Senate floor about her planned abortion, almost all of her GOP colleagues found something else to do

  • Ann Archy@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It’s like when the government refuses to comment on something. Motherfucker you are a servant of the state, you are under our mandate. We tell you to speak, you fucking speak you dancing fucking monkey.

    We need a new system. We can’t be running shit the same way in the AI age and a global population of, what, 9 billion?

    Our old systems of governance did NOT scale.

    Consider the population of the US in the 1700’s. We have about a hundred times that now, but the same amount of representatives.

    That means that every representative today has power over a hundred times more people than originally when the constitution was written.

    That changes everything.

    • boeman@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      No… The house of representatives has grown multiple times with the last permanent growth in 1913. It did temporarily grow by 2 when Alaska and Hawaii were made states, but went back to 435 after those states got their appropriations of representatives.