• brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think you’re missing the big picture.

    Just because one can choose not to go to Starbucks doesn’t relieve Starbucks of the requirement to provide equal access and provide equitable services to those with a disability or medical limitation.

    Just because you are lactose intolerant and can handle things with with some milk products doesn’t mean that everyone with lactose intolerance can. There can be those that have much more severe reactions.

    There are also those that truly cannot have diary at all. People have full blown milk allergies where if they ingest diary they could have anaphylaxis shock.

    Making accomodations for equitable products/services for a medical disability cannot cost extra to the disabled person.

    I don’t think it means that all non-dairy creamers necessarily need to be available for free. It only means that one does. Whatever non-dairy creamer is likely the cheapest.