The big problem is the state which has such extreme power.
The big part that makes those states work is default compliance, which allows that state to commit violence using everyone who complies (which is everyone by default). Individuals being non-compliant directly translates to power being syphoned away from the state. This is why morality and ethics education are so Important, as the state cannot do anything immoral if individuals refuse to do immoral actions. The second most important thing is transparency, since states utilize opacueness as a means to obfuscate the morality of actions. This is one reason why dense hierarchies are utilized in governments - to obfuscate actions and provide personal deniability to members of the state infrastructure.
The big problem is the state which has such extreme power.
The big part that makes those states work is default compliance, which allows that state to commit violence using everyone who complies (which is everyone by default). Individuals being non-compliant directly translates to power being syphoned away from the state. This is why morality and ethics education are so Important, as the state cannot do anything immoral if individuals refuse to do immoral actions. The second most important thing is transparency, since states utilize opacueness as a means to obfuscate the morality of actions. This is one reason why dense hierarchies are utilized in governments - to obfuscate actions and provide personal deniability to members of the state infrastructure.