Disgruntled progressive activists and organizations have embarked on a campaign to push voters to mark themselves “uncommitted” in protest of Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hamas War.

With 95% of the expected vote tabulated, 70.5% of voters backed Biden while 19.0% went uncommitted, according to a tabulation by The Associated Press.

In Minnesota, more than 45,000 marked themselves “uncommitted” — a number greater than the margin by which Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the state in 2016.

  • Crashumbc@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    First, I don’t like Biden. He’s your typical old school slimy politician.

    But this has nothing to do with him and what he can or can’t do.

    This is about putting someone who ACTIVELY wants to make himself a dictator like Putin in this country’s most powerful position. If you don’t think he can do serious damage… Most politicians at least publicly act like they are following the rules Trump won’t. He’s literally telling everybody so.

    And you think your plan to leverage this over Biden will get you anywhere, The ruling elite, want Israel supported at all costs. They don’t really care whether it’s Trump or Biden.

    So you’re fucked either way. Only thing you can do, is stop an aspiring dictator from sitting in that chair.

    But, this is wasted typing, because you’re too “smart” to see the bigger picture and think you are accomplishing something.

    • Daft_ish@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Dude, just let evil win. We will overcome it like we always do. Remember how we overcame the last evil that reared its head? Sure there was a human toll but what is that compared to being principled for a few months before terror sets in.