When will Commerce Secretary Sputnik shill for Windows 11 on Fox?
Linux users tell Microsoft to just get over it, dump your parasitic software and start over, because how hard can it be?
As someone who did exactly this a year and a half or so ago: so much easier than you think.
As hard as plugging in a USB with OS and follow instructions.
Minus all the caveats like not being reliable on anything with an NVidia GPU or just hating your specific setup for no reason (I am salty, I’m going to keep trying anyway)
I’ve recently convinced my daughter to try Mint on her system. She has GF 1650 and it worked out of the box with propietary Nvidia driver (nothing needed to install additionally, with the option to switch to open source driver). Really, it’s not worse than on Windows.
Just in case anyone reading doenst know - the free tool Rufus can write a Win 11 ISO to your usb drive md remove all the silly soft requirements.
The free OS Linux also doesn’t pull this crap, and Rufus can write a Linux ISO to your USB drive and remove Microsoft’s gaslighting from your life.
Bro, i cut my teeth on FreeBSD 2.2.x and served in the Great Linux / Windows wars of 95 and 98…
but im not so sure MS ever gaslit anyone. everyone seemed to have a pretty solid perception of reality.
Maybe the term gaslighting means something new to you 🤷
I use it in the sense that Microsoft is changing what you perceive to be ownership. They’re essentially gaslighting you into believing that they actually own your PC, and that you need to upgrade to be compatible with Windows, instead of Windows being compatible with your hardware.
I use it in the sense
right, like i figured, you’ve got your own definition 👍
They’re essentially gaslighting you into believing that they actually own your PC
can you share some examples of this behavior?
Here’s the definition I see:
psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator
My use is a bit hyperbolic, sure, but it’s in the same vein.
Microsoft has slowly been taking more control:
- Microsoft Store w/ UWP apps - attempt at lock-in
- secure boot - makes some sense kn corporate devices, little sense on consumer devices and just forced Linux distros to scramble to support it
- Windows login - first optional, then default, then you need a workaround to avoid it
- Windows 11 essentially forcing a hardware upgrade, not for performance reasons, but “lock-in” reasons (need TPM because… security?)
They’re really trying to take the “personal” out of “personal computer,” all in the name of “security,” implying that other approaches are “insecure.”
In other words, they’re trying to alter what we see as “reality” when it comes to control over our own devices.
My use is a bit hyperbolic
it really is, across the board.
It’s not 1998 anymore. No one cares about the desktop anymore as long as you can run Firefox.
I absolutely care, but maybe that’s because I’m a developer by trade.
Windows updates don’t work correctly a lot of the time if you’ve bypassed the requirements. My predecessor at work installed 11 on some ancient systems and it’s been a hassle.
I’ve had no issues on the machines i’ve done this with, aside from having to do an upgrade in place with a major update (used rufus, write the latest iso, did the upgrade from the bootable usb.
regular windows updates work without hassle. perhaps your predecessor didn’t use a complete solution 🤷
Or better yet, windows 10 LTSC. Which will be supported for another 2 years. 4 if you subsequently switch the product key to the IOT LTSC version.
The hurdles windows users are willing to put up with is nothing less than amazing. That’s not a good thing.
Oh, I already have Linux on my laptop. It’s my desktop that still has some blockers preventing a full Linux transition.
Primarily the Pimax headset. Once I get a suitable replacement, I’ll actually be able to start testing and transferring stuff.Or look at it the other way: they hate Linux so much they’d rather deal with that than deal with Linux.
I would love to learn and deal with Linux, unfortunately the software I need for work only supports Mac or Win
It’s possible you can run it through wine, might be worth a try
Much business oriented software just hasn’t had the work done on it to work on Wine. Really the only reason I have to run Windows now is the 3D CAD software I use and my best option at this point is running it in a Windows VM on my server. And no Freecad and Fusion360 aren’t suitable options, they both suck.
IOT version is supported until 2032
Yeah, but will updates work? And even if they do, what’s stopping Microsoft in disabling them somehow?
Nowadays if you want to have usable Windows installation you need to use a bunch of 3rd party scripts that might break on next update. Learning Linux is easier than this shit.
I can’t wait for someone to ask me how to solve some shit in Windows, and me saying that I don’t have patience for this crap.
updates work.
MS won’t disable them - they want people to move to Windows 11.
Congrats on migrating to Linux! it’s what i’ve been pushing friends and family towards for decades, and thankfully Ubuntu is in a position right now to be a fine desktop OS, esp for the average user who lives in a web browser.
I am using Debian stable, since I no longer care about having latest stuff and the whole Debian-like ecosystem is what I am the most familiar with. As for Ubuntu I never had good experience with it, with random crashes all the time last time I used it (about 10-12 years ago), and when I tried it last year, I encountered random crashes in GNOME apps just after finishing setup.
Linux Mint (regular or LMDE) is what I’d probably install on other people computers though. Literally never had problems with it (used it about 10 years ago on a netbook).
sure sounds like you have some funny hardware configurations with all these issues you have across OSes.
Translation: “Install Linux.”
I really want to put Linux on my gaming PC, but I’m doubtful I can get my Rift S working on there. :/
Apparently there is an openxr driver for it, though, so I suppose I should at least give it a shot.
There’s absolutely no way I’m going to win11, though.
Your best shot is with Monado, which supports the Rift S: https://monado.freedesktop.org/
I only have an Index, so I can’t speak for how well it works or how easy it is to setup.
I got my meta quest 2 working on Linux, so you should definitely just try :)
As someone who routinely used to sink thousands of hours into games, and by that I mean 3000 hrs. on R6-3, 2500 hrs. on Squad and so on, the predatory practices of Microsoft, Steam and game developers have just turned me off gaming completely.
There are still good game publishers like CD Projekt Red and Warhorse Studios. Plus lots of open source and indie gems. Gaming is a lot more than AAA and MOBAs.
Nobara or Pop! OS would be good choices.
Yeah, VR is still catching up, but I feel like (dual) booting to Win 10 just for specific purposes would greatly reduce the risk.
Bazzite is better imo
Just installed ZorinOS on my PC (dual boot with Windows 11) and I’m playing Diablo 4 on Linux. How cool is this?
It’s so cool. We’ve been waiting for Linux to cover gaming and it really has with the push from Steam.
I’d just be scared of windows trying to clobber my nix partition.
Use separate disks.
Yeah, this is why I never got into VR, the Linux support blows even if you get a supported headset because the games aren’t made for Linux. There are some games, sure, but it’s not worth spending $1k+ on an Index.
I’ll use it once the barrier to entry drops or Linux support improves.
I would, except there’s always some software or some feature missing. And there’s always the FOSS app that “might” meet “some” aspects of what native software does but it’s almost always never “native” support.
Sure, I know I can play MOST games on Linux, but I know for a fact they’ll launch on windows.
Or things like, sure, I know that my corsair Hardware MIGHT be controlled by signal RGB, but what about controlling the pump in my AIO? Or the sound levels on ny headset? Or the DPI in my mouse?
Then you have things like drivers. I’m not using any Nvidia GPUs right now, but the nvidia support for Linux is atrocious and you lose access to things like RTX-HDR and RTX Voice, and hell, even in AMD you lose access to certain features like AMFM2.
Then the software, not only does things like Adobe or Office just don’t exist, the FOSS solutions are not industry standard, so sure, I can learn to use LibreOffice, but that’s worth absolutely nothing when you apply for a corporate job and they expect you to know how to use outlook as a bare minimum, hell, even the Google office suite is being adopted faster… Ah, but if the software is available there’s still a chance it doesn’t work because it’s missing a dependency or something and you have to ask people to use the terminal and… Sigh
All in all, it’s just behind in many ways, sure, for some people it’s ok, and for laptops I’d think is mostly ok, great even. But I know I could deal with Linux, and I don’t want to troubleshoot a whole PC to play a game when I already spend the whole day dealing with solving issues or servers or services on my job.
I’m rooting for Steam OS to release to desktops because my living room PC is LITERALLY just for gaming, so that “could” work nicely.
Hardware MIGHT be controlled by signal RGB
OpenRGB to the rescue: https://flathub.org/apps/org.openrgb.OpenRGB
controlling the pump in my AIO?
What do you need to control about your pump? I sure hope it works without OS support.
Or the sound levels on ny headset?
Move the volume slider up or down?
Or the DPI in my mouse?
Save them to the mouse as profile if it can or use Piper: https://flathub.org/apps/org.freedesktop.Piper
in AMD you lose access to certain features like AMFM2
FSR Frame Gen works just fine, not sure why you need fake frames in more games.
the FOSS solutions are not industry standard, so sure, I can learn to use LibreOffice, but that’s worth absolutely nothing when you apply for a corporate job and they expect you to know how to use outlook as a bare minimum
There is also OnlyOffice and online MS Office. Not sure what you need to know about Outlook to open it and use your eyes to read the mails.
even the Google office suite is being adopted faster
Good news, it runs in a browser and works on every OS!
Ah, but if the software is available there’s still a chance it doesn’t work because it’s missing a dependency or something and you have to ask people to use the terminal and… Sigh
I have not fixed dependencies issue on Linux since the early 2000s. Flatpaks are your friend https://flathub.org/ .
All in all, it’s just behind in many ways, sure, for some people it’s ok, and for laptops I’d think is mostly ok, great even.
I run it on my high end PC and I disagree. It’s ahead in many ways.
- The graphics drivers are included and don’t need any bloated software to work
- It has a banger OpenGL driver, which makes games like Minecraft run significantly faster.
- It has a very active community for game support for games where the developer does not care
- It translates older DirectX versions to Vulkan automatically, resulting in a performance uplift and more stability. People on Windows are installing DXVK just so older games work. Look up DXVK in the Steam forums.
- It downloads shader caches from Valve, preventing shader stutter in games that don’t do it on their own
That list could go on for a while and it’s only for gaming.
I haven’t even gone into installation and not having to run ShutUp10 every time just to make the OS usable. Or how KDE is so much cleaner than Windows. Or how I don’t have any ads in my start menu, don’t have to force download Candy Crush on first boot, don’t have pre-installed apps I can’t remove, don’t have to block my own OS in its firewall to get rid of telemetry, don’t have to be told that I need to upgrade to Windows 11 constantly.
For work: Docker just works, complex networking setups are not a pain to setup, creating VMs is so much easier and has so many more features. VPN is so seamlessly setup. I can read almost every file system on the planet and use ROCm without jumping through hoops. Not to mention I don’t get Copilot and Recall shoved down my throat.
Are there issues on Linux? Sure, lots of them. But if I find them I can tell somebody about it and don’t have to deal with them for centuries.
I’m rooting for Steam OS to release to desktops because my living room PC is LITERALLY just for gaming, so that “could” work nicely.
SteamOS is just a modern Linux distro with Steam pre-installed and in autostart. If stuff works there, it works on regular Linux just as well.
Bazzite achieves the same thing right now: https://bazzite.gg/
Excellent breakdown. Well done!
And on top of all that, the article is specifically about Microsoft urging people to get rid of old hardware, which I take to mean NOT current-gen, bleeding-edge gaming hardware. So my suggestion was about not being forced to upgrade your hardware to keep having a usable computer.
The pump works without software obviously, but iCue let’s you change the speed of the pump.
Sound levels of the headset refers to the equalizer profiles.
FSR Frame gen ISN’T AFMF, which is great on older games capped at 60fps where you can easily get 120fps and it honestly feels fine.
and of course I know steamOS is just a distro, but they actually fine tuned stuff for gaming, and like I said, if you’re only gaming, sure SteamOS/Bazzite or whatever might just work. But if you use your computer for basically anything else, most people will still have issues.
All of what you described is just EXTRA work people need to know just to play games. The reality is that most “solutions” are always workarounds or alternatives. Most people prefer NATIVE first party support.
Is that Sam Reich in a penguin suit!?
October is going to be a great month to get a cheap second hand computer.
It’s online corps offload computers but there will be a delay and many will just have the extended windows 10 supports. So I’d give it another year.
Good time to start looking for a good deal on cheap home lab crap though.
ooo and I bet they won’t be that bad all things considered with how wild some of the non supported hardware is.
Im going to get so many pc upgrades. woohoo.
Ah, the old Ben Shapiro logic. If you don’t want your house that’s at risk of flooding, don’t worry, simply sell it! Someone’s bound to give you a good price for it!
Sell it to the merpeople, they’ll be happy to have a proper house for once!
Hmm. I wonder if Aquaman is in the market for some old computers.
Hot take from an IT guy: save your important data, make a plain vanilla W11 boot USB (nothing fancy, no Rufus tricks), wipe your hard drive to zeroes, and install W11 like normal. I’ve reimaged a ton of older PCs and literally never seen it not work. My 10 year old Optiplex, supposedly ineligible for W11, runs W11 just fine.
Microsoft might someday break it, sure. That’s not new. Microsoft products were always, in practice, available to us at Microsoft’s pleasure. This is the same company that allows massgrave to exist on github because they’d rather we pirate MS Office than allow LibreOffice any oxygen. We’ll probably be fine.
Also IT guy. Hot take indeed. I’ve done this but won’t support this. I will almost guarantee some update will break shit at the most inconvenient time humanly possible and the people you’ve done this for will need your help, all at the same time.
I’m using this opportunity to expand Linux market share.
Most people only use a browser these days. People that ask me about Windows 10 eol get pushed towards Linux. There is really no need to spend money to replace a machine mainly used to browse the web.
Only if they need stuff that won’t work on Linux or they really really want Windows to use Chrome or Firefox on for some reason I’ll recommend complying with Microsoft’s hubris.
But not before suggesting Apple sells pretty and user friendly computers as well.
I will almost guarantee some update will break shit at the most inconvenient time humanly possible and the people you’ve done this for will need your help, all at the same time.
Well, yeah. That’s life as an admin under the best circumstances. There’s a running list of Windows ticking time bombs over on r/sysadmin. There are lots of good reasons to ditch Windows, but I wouldn’t say the risk of MS shutting down technically unsupported hardware is one of them (because I don’t agree it’s a substantial risk).
Well, yeah. That’s life as an admin under the best circumstances.
I don’t disagree, but I don’t see the reason in tempting/inviting work to spawn. Especially in the cases where windows itself is optional.
I also think it’s interesting you’re not convinced it’s a reasonable risk. I’ve had updates break things on clients under my control on several occasions, particularly post Windows 7 with the bigger feature releases.
It’s definitely a “when”, and not an “if” to me.
It’s also worth pointing out Microsoft has already actively been working against allowing you to bypass the requirements. It’s very clear to me they want to go towards some kind of hardware lifecycle management and I would definately not put it past them they deliberately make windows stop working on unsupported platforms at some point.
I’m imagining me doing this to my building of elderly, it dies and then opening my eyes to 40 work orders. Lmao
Why not install Linux for them once Windows 10 is dead?
They are a prime candidate for a dead simple Linux distro with the “Web”, “Mail” and “Documents” shortcuts on the desktop and nothing else. Can’t get a virus, can’t get scammed by fake Microsoft support and most won’t even notice.
I have installed Fedora Kinoite for my mom and have had zero complaints.
It’s on the to do list for sure. Currently getting them off their external antivirus’ is a challenge.
Most are in their 80s. Think it’ll be next generation honestly. Some dont even have phones or email addresses.
Had one who got a Chromebook and was just at a loss. Tbf that was an ass Chromebook but that was still too much for her.
Most have ollllld computers that are hitting the hardware failure stage. I’ve seen a god damn Vista machine at work.
I’m gonna convert someone. Just finding someone who is aware of what a tab in a browser is a rare occurrence currently lol
Microsoft is getting billions for AI datacenters (they’re now turning back on) why do you buy me a fucking new PC Microsoft
Why have 1bil when you could have 1.1 bil
Trading in a PC… in 2025? To who? Where? What time period, even? They must be thinking it’s still 1985, and you can trade in your IBM Compatible to your nearest IBM Distributor.
Maybe to the “third world” ( i dont like this name ) countries which still use linux because of high financial costs of windows… I can’t wait react os 1.0
The addage to people who ask if I buy PCs is: You want to get rid of it. How am I going to convince someone to not only take it, but pay money for it?
Users to microsoft: “You’re creating a huge pile of garbage out of perfectly fine devices because of unneeded hardware requirement”
microsoft: “It’s ok, just buy a new one”
Rarely have a message gone through so bad.
Can you believe this company has a Chief Sustainability Officer? What the fuck do they do all day?
Yell at the wind
Funny because people still use Windows 7 in large quantities across the world.
Windows 7 is such a nice user experience today, if you use it in 2025 you really get an idea of how far windows has fallen off.
Oh sure, why not throw a perfectly functional $1,300 into a shredder so we can make Microsoft happy? Oh yeah, I know, because fuck you Microsoft.
eli5? people can continue using windows 10 but becomes insecure?
Yes. They also added an option to pay for patches.
Ms will stop supporting windows 10. Windows 11 has hardware requirements for a specific security chip and processors with specific features, so upgrading components isn’t an option.
If you have an old pc you can’t easily upgrade. Theres ways of forcing it to work but it’s not supported.
A lot of businesses will be getting rid of their old pcs so they dont need to deal with the hassle.
Linux will still support and run on the older hardware, so a lot of people are expecting used hardware prices to drop.
And thanks to Proton you can now do pretty much everything that you can do on Windows. Unless you do graphics design.
That’s definitely been true in the past, but the gap’s narrowed a lot. GIMP (with plugins) and Krita cover most Photoshop-style workflows, and Inkscape does a pretty good job with vector work. For many graphic design tasks, Linux has solid native tools now—just takes a bit of adjustment if you’re used to Adobe.
GIMP is nowhere close to Photoshop in usability. Don’t know about others.
No, the police will show up at your door on October 11th and arrest you on the spot.
If you’re in the US you’ll be sent to El Salvador. If you’re anywhere else you’ll be sent to the US, receive a few tattoos, then El Salvador.
Can I pick the tattoos?
You can choose between Microsoft, Tesla, Google, Amazon, or Blackrock.
Blackrock makes some decent funds, I’ll take that one.
In soviet US, tattoos pick you