Bradley Bartell, a Trump voter from Wisconsin, started a GoFundMe to raise $3,000 for his wife Camila Muñoz’s bond after ICE detained her.
Muñoz, a Peruvian citizen, overstayed her work-study visa due to the pandemic and was seeking legal residency as Bartell’s spouse. She was arrested returning from a honeymoon in Puerto Rico.
Bartell continues to maintain that he does not regret voting for Trump.
Since Trump’s return to office, ICE has arrested over 90,000 immigrants.
The only thing I would donate to this dipshit is my debt lol
Hmmm I sincerely doubt any money raised by this bigot would go to free his wife…
Doesn’t regret voting for Trump but wants help getting bond money. picardFacePalm.jpg
Voted for asshole that promised to fuck up his life. Asshole fucks up his life. Surprised pikachu face. Doesn’t learn a lesson and asks for money.
I hope this guy loses everything and then kills himself
Aha ha hahahahaha! Fuck you Trump long. This is the FO part of FAFO.
Why the fuck should anybody give this guy money to help him avoid the inevitable consequences of the policy regime that he voted in and still supports?
Probably the same idiots that are subbing to Andrew Tate’s Hustler’s University.
Can’t send money, but I’ve got tons of thoughts and prayers!
The thoughts I’d be sending are all “fuck this dude, I hope she divorces him when she finds out this is what he voted for”.
You can’t fix stupid. Brad I hope you’re suffering as much as your wife.
How do I donate negative amounts?
For a second, I thought that was @DemolitionRanch from YT (just an older photo or something)
You’d swear this was in Egypt because that dumbass is in de nile.
Whomp whomp
Shooting yourself in the foot
I’m going to see if it’ll let me donate a penny as a get fucked gesture.