“This is not the first time Musk has gone after the site. In December, he posted on X, “Stop donating to Wokepedia.” And that wasn’t even his first bad Wikipedia pun. “I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia,” he wrote, in an October, 2023, post. It seemed to be an ego thing at first. Musk objected to being described on his page as an “early investor” in Tesla, rather than as a founder, which is how he prefers to be identified, and seemed frustrated that he couldn’t just buy the site. But lately Musk’s beef has merged with a general conviction on the right that Wikipedia—which, like all encyclopedias, is a tertiary source that relies on original reporting and research done by other media and scholars—is biased against conservatives.”
Can’t shake the feeling Musk doesn’t like Wikipedia because Musk only likes facts he can use.
‘which is how he prefers to be identified’ … hmnnn - so he CHOOSES to IDENTIFY as one thing and doesn’t like it when people don’t allow him to use his preferred identificaiton?
Enjoy my small donation Wikipedia.
Just donated. You should too.
I love donating to Wikipedia because there’s so few FREE things anymore, and it’s one that benefits every single person on the planet.
Shit like this is why I donate to Wikipedia.
Fuck off and die, nazi scum.
Just donated to Wikipedia. Will do every time this fuckers brings it up
The fascists want to shut down any information source that can prove they are lying.
I miss the times when people like this was seen as mentally ill.
I should donate to Wikipedia
I should donate to Wikipedia
I should donate to Wikipedia
I donate to Wikipedia
Me too!
last year was my first time; looking forward to doing it every year now
Not sure that I’ll be donating every year, but I also donated for the first time in 2024. Every little bit counts and when I can find the extra money, I’ll send it their way. Also, friendly reminder, it’s possible to download the entire contents of Wikipedia with less than 100GB. It’s just 16GB if compressed.
I can carry around Wikipedia on a thumb drive? What about with pictures?
Unfortunately, Elon Musk doesn’t know you can’t “identify as a founder”. Your gender is valid ; this is not.
Still cracks me up that “fact-checking” is taken to be such an offensive act. “Oh, sorry for correcting your lies! I suppose being exposed as a fraud could interfere with your plans to exploit the public…”
Anyone that has a beef with sites designed to share objective, factual information is someone who benefits from lying or at very least keeping the truth under wraps
Their aggressive stance against fact checking betrays their default position of bad faith & lack of empathy because they have been indoctrinated to the point of absolute unwavering certainly, similar to a cult. They abandon objective reality at all of our peril.
Of course he does, the site is filled with objective truths, which always makes him look bad.
*has a problem with facts
a billion dollars he could fund his own nazipedia.org
Already exists: https://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page
It’s like the Incel Bible, King Trump Edition lol
Wtf these people literally live in a different reality
Holy shit, what a sad website. Just a few random snippets:
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug that causes (…) violence and violent fits
Marriage is the divinely ordained covenant between one man and one woman
The Bible, being the most comprehensive transcendent moral authority
Are we sure this isn’t a parody website?
It’s not. It was created by Andrew Schlafly, son of Phyllis Schlafly a notorious anti-feminist and Christian nationalist.
Oh boy I see crazy runs in the family.
Schlafly became an outspoken opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) during the 1970s as the organizer of the “STOP ERA” campaign. STOP was a backronym for “Stop Taking Our Privileges”. She argued that the ERA would take away gender-specific privileges enjoyed by women, including “dependent wife” benefits under Social Security, separate restrooms for males and females, and exemption from Selective Service (the military draft). She was opposed by groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the ERAmerica coalition. The Homemakers’ Equal Rights Association was formed to counter Schlafly’s campaign.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly?wprov=sfla1
Hard to tell honestly. It is poorly maintained as two clicks in and I found a dead page.
Nope, it’s deadly serious.
Many vaccines, including the Covid vaccines, are based on aborted fetal tissue, apparently to try to increase public acceptance of abortion.
I’m not sure if this is Poe’s law in effect or if people are actually this stupid. I’m afraid it’s the latter.
People are absolutely that stupid. I unfortunately have to interact with a few of them.
“This is not the first time Musk has gone after the site. In December, he posted on X, “Stop donating to Wokepedia.” And that wasn’t even his first bad Wikipedia pun. “I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia,” he wrote, in an October, 2023, post.
You can’t buy it, but you can go create a conservative fork called whatever you want, and you can fund its operation. If people think that it’s better, they can choose to use it.
There’s a Conservapedia, which I would call pretty off-the-rails; people have tried this before.
Conservapedia (/kənˌsɜː®vəˈpiːdiə/; kən-SU®-və-PEE-di-ə) is an English-language, wiki-based, online encyclopedia written from a self-described American conservative[2] and fundamentalist Christian[3] point of view. The website was established in 2006 by American attorney and activist Andrew Schlafly, son of Phyllis Schlafly,[4][5] to counter what he perceived as a liberal bias on Wikipedia.[6][7] It uses editorials and a wiki-based system for content generation.
Examples of Conservapedia’s ideology include its accusations against and strong criticism of former US president Barack Obama—including advocacy of Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories[8]—along with criticisms of atheism, feminism, homosexuality, the Democratic Party, and evolution. Conservapedia views Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[9] claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises Republican politicians, supports celebrities and artistic works it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and espouses fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.[10][11] Conservapedia’s “Conservative Bible Project” is a crowd-sourced retranslation of the English-language Bible which the site says to be “free of corruption by liberal untruths.”[12]
Conservapedia views Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism
I just spat out my coffee :D utter lunacy