This feels more like poignant food for thought and a call to be prepared for heavy rolls than actual news-news, but I don’t know where else to share it on, so my apologies if this content is better housed in a different community. I’m a reddit reject, so I’m still learning the norms here (and it appears I didn’t learn them there, for what it’s worth).

Thesis from the article: “It would be helpful if we stopped pretending this terrible chapter in American history won’t close without bloodshed…

I’ve read some great dystopian novels, but their settings were all in established dystopias. Life as We Knew It is the only one I’ve read that follows the devolution from onset to full maturation, although I only read the first book of the series. I guess World War Z is another example. Both of those books’ dystopias were catalyzed by major pseudonatural disasters. Anyone have any suggestions on other good titles that try to accurately portray what happens? I saw The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes-And Why suggested in a sub before my ban. Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich is probably another good place to start as well.

    2 days ago

    Edit: I’ll leave this here for now and move the comment if I see the poster resubmit in Politics

    I feel like that’s the endgame for the Trump empire and violence walks directly into their trap. They can play the blame game or martial law card and completely rebuild America to their standards. Revolution is sort of the point; who comes out in the end is the goal they have prepared for for decades. Indiscriminate violence is chaos and absolutely not the answer.

    The recent “no promoting violence” rule on Reddit is both foreshadowing and censorship. But for some reason Luigis scare Reddit terribly.

      2 days ago

      It’s because billionaires are pussies. They will get upset over the slightest inconvenience, or insult, because the money they have has insulated them from the consequences of their actions.

      They’re so used to being praised, and getting their way with everything, that the thought of people not like liking them upsets them greatly.

      And the dislike is warranted because most billionaires use their money to buy social credit instead of earning it. They don’t add anything to society, they just pay as much as they can to get artificial praise from it.

      For example, Musk bought X, and used it to promote his own BS to make himself popular.

      Alternatively, the idiot could have simply rented a blimp and thrown the same 44 billion out of it all across America.

      That would without question make him more popular than X has, to the point where people would likely build statues of him.

      Instead, he cowers in fear of the word CIS on Twitter because it hurts his feelings.

      Now, since he can’t remove the word CIS from reality, he gets scared people will hate him for expressing that desire. And they should hate him, because that opinion can only be formed in a bubble where you don’t experience reality. Aka extreme wealth.

      Billionaires use their money to remove themselves from the consequences of their actions.

      Free speech is the easiest way to express what those consequences would be in a more natural order.

      They fear the violence their greed and behavior has created. They’re just too stupid to understand how one leads to the other.

    2 days ago

    You’re right, this isn’t news and doesn’t belong here. This is an opinion piece.