The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
So if they lose “the bad guys” (russia, china and the u.s.) are going to team up and take over Europe? Does Russia get it all or do they split it with the americans? Does China get a slice?
Japan didn’t team up with Germany because of China, they did it in opposition to the soviets, Germany didn’t care about China, because it’s on the opposite side of the world. Just like China doesn’t care about Europe and ukraine. Yeah they’ll sell russia weapons and tech but they aren’t giving it out as aid.
The u.s. is not allied with russia and doesn’t hate nato as much as them. One wing of the political class wants more defense spending from allied countries. Trump hasn’t shown any intention of leaving nato, much less switching sides and joining russia against them. Even if he wanted to he’d be bumping against a defense establishment that has made nato the core of there strategy for the past half century.
The u.s. is still sending weapons to ukraine as military aid. Even if trump got his way we’d still be sending weapons, it’s just the Ukrainians would have to buy them, putting the u.s. in the same position to ukraine as China is to russia. So if China is supporting russia in that case, then the u.s. would still be supporting ukraine.
Peace between the great powers is the norm in the nuclear age. This combined with globalization makes it so going to war between powers more trouble than it’s worth.
You seem to view international politics as an axis of evil bad guys and an alliance of good guys keeping them in check. That was really only somewhat the case in ww2. International politics is about a set of powers, each with there own spheres of influence and varied and at times conflicting interests trying to pursue those interests.
The u.s. has no interest in helping russia conquer europe, neither does China. Both have a major interest in keeping russia weak and keeping the European economy functional as they are a large trading partner.
So you think sending people back into a warzone they tried to escape because they didnt want to go to war is a bad thing, so then the policy of not allowing men to leave is also bad, or that even desertion is valid. If you think this comparison is invalid or that the people who escaped early have more of a right to leave then the people trying to escape now please explain. Otherwise by your own definition what ukraine is doing is cruel, it can be cruelty in support of a grand cause, but it’s still cruel.