That was 21 years ago! And where others might expect someone to slow down, I think Jon Stewart’s spending all the time since then writing, interviewing, producing content, and fighting in Congress will suit him well. I think we’ll see a meaner, hungrier Stewart.
That was 21 years ago! And where others might expect someone to slow down, I think Jon Stewart’s spending all the time since then writing, interviewing, producing content, and fighting in Congress will suit him well. I think we’ll see a meaner, hungrier Stewart.
I really hope we get a chance to see it.
Go listen to his recent podcast interview with Raheem Jeffries where he just let’s Jeffries gaslight him for an hour. It was embarrassing.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you’re right.
I’ll throw in a few reallys of my own. Really really really.
And my really!