Not sure this falls flat or worse. It’s the Gulf of Mexico. That’s it. Nothing else. Not even a conversation. “It is what it is”
I think it’s just making the point that anyone can name anything whatever they want, but it doesn’t change what people call it. Obviously Trump thinks he’s God so he probably actually thinks something has happened as a result of his declaration.
The stupid thing is every country and every language has always had different words for the same places.
The French don’t call it France.
The French don’t call it France.
What does this mean?
France is a pretty weird example because most French people do call it France. But technically the country is République français, or the French Republic.
But a better example would be Germany; it’s natively called Deutschland and dozens of languages call it Allemagne or variants of that. Both Germany and Allemagne are historical names we haven’t moved on from, even though the actual country has.
That’s true of a number of places, here are two I’m familiar with:
- Japan = Nippon
- Korea = HanGuk (Korea comes from an old state, Goryeo, that ended… >600 years ago, when Joseon took over)
Here Maps kept it as the Gulf of Mexico
That feature actually could be just a map overlay. Who did play with oruxmaps or qgis knows what it is…
Looks like his distraction is pretty effective.
The real gulf of America is the gulf that Trump has ripped open between the US and its allies
Fuckin gottem.
But don’t tell the Great Tricktator, or you goto jail immediately.
Here’s the direct link
I’m still sold on Gulf Dukat.
Dukat would be proud that the humans in an alternate timeline, where he’s fictional, went and named something after him for all his great deeds.
And then he’d find out why we’re really naming it after him and he’d try every underhanded trick in the book and a handful of new ones in order to find a way into our universe to show us how great he really is.
It’s really too bad that Mapquest still looks like it’s from the 90s
MapQuest is from the 1990s.
At this point I think that’s probably a feature
Based MapQuest.
Can we get over this and focus on the real shit that Trump is fucking up?
true people just aren’t talking about that at all
Water McGulfy
Gulfy McGulfface
Gulfy McGulfface? Are we still doing that meme?
I mean we’re making it with MapQuest, if there was ever a time for necromemecy it’s now.